Docker compose file to create a self-hosted server notification using Tyler Tech New World's CAD - ESO interface by taking the Tyler New World .xml file from the ESO interface and parsing it and passing the necessary variables to ntfu and pushover. Ntfy topics will be created based on the list below and will re-send information as the incident changes.
TOPICS will be created for (nested)
- Agency i.e. Police|Fire
- Jurisdiction i.e. ORI|FDID
- Unit i.e. CAR1|FIRETRUCK1
- 1-TYLER NEW WORLD CAD EXPORTER interface generating .xml files
- 2-Docker Compose
This project will recursivelly monitor the watchfolder for new files arriving from the New World System (NWS-CAD) EXPORTER interface matching the $arrayInputFileExtensions extentions (xml). When a file with a matching extention is found it is moved briefly into the output folder and parsed by the included functions then finally moved into the archive folder.
All information is logged to a log file by Monolog and stored in ./data/Logs/ by date. (Three days of logging are kept.)
The parsed incident data is written into a sqlite3 DB while the incident is active and then removed when the incident is closed.
All incidents will be sent to nested ntfy topics based on AGENCY/JURISDICTION/UNIT (i.e. )
The configuration is set in the file .src/config.php and is fairly simple to set: Remane config.php.dist to config.php (cp ./config.php.dist config.php)
$ntfySend = true;
$ntfyrUrl = "ntfy.{tld}";
$ntfyToken = "token";
$ntfyUser = "user";
$googleApiKey = "Google_Map_API_Key";