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Botasana chatbot


I have successfully finished a bootcamp recently. And I am applying for jobs now. I am working on this project in order to practice, extend, and, hopefully, showcase my software development skills.

Originally, I set the goal much higher and this is just the first step towards it. I continue to work on the project in between interviews and preparation. Stay tuned for further developments and spin-offs.


Botasana is a chatbot that replies with humorously edited user prompt. Some words in the user prompt are modified in order to resemble names of yoga asanas.

To achieve this Botasana uses a OpenAI comletion API.

Try it!


You will need your own OpenAI API key to run it locally. Otherwise, check my homepage if there is currently a live version running.

Using Docker image

  1. Download the image from Docker Hub and run it locally.
    docker run -dp -e SECRET_OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-openai-api-key> ka1amita/botasana
  2. Open in your browser.
  3. Send your prompt.

Using DockerCompose

  1. Provide openai-api-key.secret file with your OpenAI api key
  2. Run Docker Compose
    docker run -dp -e SECRET_OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-openai-api-key> ka1amita/botasana


add -e PROMPT_VALIDATION_LENGTH_MAX=<desired-limit> to increase prompt limit


1. Landing page

landing page

2. User prompt

user prompt

3. Fetching response

fetching response

4. Chat completion

chat completion

Error message

error message

Tech stack

Todo list of technologies planned to implement:

  • OpenAI API OpenAI
  • Spring Boot
  • PostgreSQL
  • Java
  • Log4j
  • Jupiter
  • Docker
  • Thymeleaf
  • HTMX
  • Terraform
  • AWS
  • GitHub Acitons
  • ELK