Semester long project to create a dispenser to dispense a can drink onto a turtlebot, which will autonomously navigate to a set location.
- see alias for full command
Make sure laptop and pi both connected to same network(hotspot)
Open 1st Terminal:
after the above is done => To start ros on pi -
Open 2nd Terminal:
=> take in lidar data and create a map on rviz -
Open 3rd Terminal:
=> publishes the coordinates of the robot in the map. Map's origin is whererslam
is called -
Open 4th Terminal:
=> main script for autonavigation -
Open 5th Terminal:
=> starts http server, awaits input from keypad connected to the ESP32 -
Open 6th Terminal:
=> publishes the state of the microswitch, whether there is a "can" or not
alias rslam='ros2 launch turtlebot3_cartographer'
alias setwp='autonav && python3'
alias map2base="autonav && python3"
HTTP server
Make sure laptop, esp32 and pi both connected to same network(hotspot)
confirm IP address -
to test server connection: local terminal:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000 -d 2
(http not https)
w/a/x/d/s - forward/left/backward/right/stop (left and right turns indefinitely, use +/- integers to turn by specific values)
p - setting current coordinate as waypoint. Input table number to know which table this waypoint will lead to. See more at Setting waypoints
negative integer - turn right/CW by (-1 to -180deg)
postive integer - turn left/ACW by (1 to 180deg)
Setting waypoints
BUG: Expected value: Line 1 Col 1
- Make sure that the .json file has minimum {} in it
alias: setwp
cw to enter root workspace. ros2 run auto_nav setWaypoints
Walk to waypoint
Press p. Select table number
geometry_msgs.msg.Pose(position=geometry_msgs.msg.Point(x=-0.6580884139688824, y=-0.10369131549389796, z=0.0), orientation=geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=-0.7199514315963468, w=0.6940244492396294))
Original O(Z): 0 and O(W): 1
Turning anti-clockwise: Orientation (Z) increase, Orientation (W) decrease
Turning clockwise: Orientation (Z) decrease, Orientation (W) increase
Open rviz when robot is in either (a)gazebo or (b)physical environment and let the robot roam to explore the map
To save the map into the path defined
```ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/colcon_ws/install/map_loader/share/map_loader/launch/<map>```
Configuration file for map can be found in src/map_loader/launch/
terminal 1: grslam
terminal 2: ros2 launch src/map_loader/launch/
- No map received - restart rslam and rosbu, make sure that you rosbu first then rslam
- Connection Refused - check same hotspot(NOT the nus), restart hotspot
- RSLAM not working well - Re-rosbu
: set use_odom to False