Welcome to my React course repository! In this course, I covered various aspects of React, including state management, effects, context, Redux, React Router, and more. Throughout the course, I built 11 projects, and one of them is a full-stack website called MegaBlog, featuring a complete authentication process.
- Project 1: 03BgChanger
- Project 2: 04passwordGenrator
- Project 3: 05currencyConvertor
- Project 4: 08themeswitcher
- Project 5: 09todowithlocalstorage
- Project 6: 06reactrouter
- 11MegaBlog
MegaBlog is a full stack application. For backend i used appwrite and also learned about html-react-parser, react-hook-form, tinymce
- React
- State Management
- States
- Context API
- Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- Effects
- React Router
- Full-stack development with authentication
- MegaBlog: Full-stack website with authentication process