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add get-PIMGroupPolicy
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kayasax committed Mar 7, 2024
1 parent 1d6e955 commit b752f2b
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Showing 3 changed files with 232 additions and 1 deletion.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions EasyPIM/functions/Get-PIMGroupPolicy.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Powershell module to manage PIM Azure Resource Role settings with simplicity in mind
Get-PIMGroupPolicy will return the policy rules (like require MFA on activation) of the selected rolename at the subscription level
Support querrying multi roles at once
Get-PIMGroupPolicy will use the Microsoft Graph APIs to retrieve the PIM settings of the role $rolename
Tenant ID
Id of the group to check
Search for the group by name
PS> Get-PIMGroupPolicy -tenantID $tenantID -rolename "Global Administrator","Global Reader"
show curent config for the roles global administrator and global reader
Duration ref
Author: MICHEL, Loic
* allow other scopes
function Get-PIMGroupPolicy {
param (

[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
# Tenant ID

[Parameter(Position = 1)]
# Array of role name

[Parameter(Position = 2)]
# Array of role name

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
#owner or member

try {
$script:tenantID = $tenantID

if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('groupname')) {
$response=invoke-graph -Endpoint $endpoint


$out = @()
$groupID | ForEach-Object {

#get curent config
$config = get-GroupConfig $_ $type
$out += $config
Write-Output $out -NoEnumerate
catch {
MyCatch $_

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion EasyPIM/internal/functions/Invoke-graph.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function invoke-graph {

if ( $null -eq (get-mgcontext) -or ( (get-mgcontext).TenantId -ne $script:tenantID ) ) {
Write-Verbose ">> Connecting to Azure with tenantID $script:tenantID"
Connect-MgGraph -Tenant $script:tenantID -Scopes RoleManagementPolicy.ReadWrite.Directory, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory
Connect-MgGraph -Tenant $script:tenantID -Scopes RoleManagementPolicy.ReadWrite.Directory, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory, RoleManagementPolicy.ReadWrite.AzureADGroup
# Authenticate and get the access token
Expand Down
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions EasyPIM/internal/functions/get-GroupConfig.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
Get rules for the group $groupID
will convert the json rules to a PSCustomObject
.Parameter id
Id of the group to check
PS> get-config -scope $scop -rolename role1
Get the policy of the role role1 at the specified scope
Author: Loïc MICHEL
function get-Groupconfig ( $id, $type) {

try {

$endpoint = "policies/roleManagementPolicyAssignments?`$filter=scopeId eq '$id' and scopeType eq 'Group' and roleDefinitionId eq '$type'&`$expand=policy(`$expand=rules)"
$response = invoke-graph -Endpoint $endpoint

# Get config values in a new object:

# Maximum end user activation duration in Hour (PT24H) // Max 24H in portal but can be greater
$_activationDuration = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Expiration_EndUser_Assignment" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty maximumduration
# End user enablement rule (MultiFactorAuthentication, Justification, Ticketing)
$_enablementRules = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Enablement_EndUser_Assignment" } | Select-Object -expand enabledRules
# approval required
$_approvalrequired = $($response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Approval_EndUser_Assignment" }).setting.isapprovalrequired
# approvers
$approvers = $($response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Approval_EndUser_Assignment" }).setting.approvalStages.primaryApprovers
if(( $approvers | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count) -gt 0){
$approvers | ForEach-Object {
if($_."@odata.type" -eq "#microsoft.graph.groupMembers"){
$_.userType = "group"
else{ #"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.singleUser",
$_.userType = "user"

$_approvers += '@{"id"="' + $ + '";"description"="' + $_.description + '";"userType"="' + $_.userType + '"},'

# permanent assignmnent eligibility
$_eligibilityExpirationRequired = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Expiration_Admin_Eligibility" } | Select-Object -expand isExpirationRequired
if ($_eligibilityExpirationRequired -eq "true") {
$_permanantEligibility = "false"
else {
$_permanantEligibility = "true"
# maximum assignment eligibility duration
$_maxAssignmentDuration = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Expiration_Admin_Eligibility" } | Select-Object -expand maximumDuration

# pemanent activation
$_activeExpirationRequired = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Expiration_Admin_Assignment" } | Select-Object -expand isExpirationRequired
if ($_activeExpirationRequired -eq "true") {
$_permanantActiveAssignment = "false"
else {
$_permanantActiveAssignment = "true"
# maximum activation duration
$_maxActiveAssignmentDuration = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Expiration_Admin_Assignment" } | Select-Object -expand maximumDuration

# Notifications #

# Notification Eligibility Alert (Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role)
$_Notification_Admin_Admin_Eligibility = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Admin_Admin_Eligibility" }
# Notification Eligibility Assignee (Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee))
$_Notification_Eligibility_Assignee = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Requestor_Admin_Eligibility" }
# Notification Eligibility Approvers (Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension)
$_Notification_Eligibility_Approvers = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Approver_Admin_Eligibility" }

# Notification Active Assignment Alert (Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role)
$_Notification_Active_Alert = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Admin_Admin_Assignment" }
# Notification Active Assignment Assignee (Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee))
$_Notification_Active_Assignee = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Requestor_Admin_Assignment" }
# Notification Active Assignment Approvers (Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension)
$_Notification_Active_Approvers = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Approver_Admin_Assignment" }

# Notification Role Activation Alert (Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Role activation alert)
$_Notification_Activation_Alert = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Admin_EndUser_Assignment" }
# Notification Role Activation Assignee (Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Notification to activated user (requestor))
$_Notification_Activation_Assignee = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Requestor_EndUser_Assignment" }
# Notification Role Activation Approvers (Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Request to approve an activation)
$_Notification_Activation_Approver = $response.value.policy.rules | Where-Object { $ -eq "Notification_Approver_EndUser_Assignment" }

$config = [PSCustomObject]@{

PolicyID = $policyId
ActivationDuration = $_activationDuration
EnablementRules = $_enablementRules -join ','
ApprovalRequired = $_approvalrequired
Approvers = $_approvers -join ','
AllowPermanentEligibleAssignment = $_permanantEligibility
MaximumEligibleAssignmentDuration = $_maxAssignmentDuration
AllowPermanentActiveAssignment = $_permanantActiveAssignment
MaximumActiveAssignmentDuration = $_maxActiveAssignmentDuration
Notification_Eligibility_Alert_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Admin_Admin_Eligibility.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Eligibility_Alert_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Admin_Admin_Eligibility.notificationLevel)
Notification_Eligibility_Alert_Recipients = $($_Notification_Admin_Admin_Eligibility.notificationRecipients) -join ','
Notification_Eligibility_Assignee_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Eligibility_Assignee.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Eligibility_Assignee_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Eligibility_Assignee.NotificationLevel)
Notification_Eligibility_Assignee_Recipients = $($_Notification_Eligibility_Assignee.notificationRecipients) -join ','
Notification_Eligibility_Approvers_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Eligibility_Approvers.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Eligibility_Approvers_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Eligibility_Approvers.NotificationLevel)
Notification_Eligibility_Approvers_Recipients = $($_Notification_Eligibility_Approvers.notificationRecipients -join ',')
Notification_Active_Alert_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Active_Alert.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Active_Alert_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Active_Alert.notificationLevel)
Notification_Active_Alert_Recipients = $($_Notification_Active_Alert.notificationRecipients -join ',')
Notification_Active_Assignee_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Active_Assignee.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Active_Assignee_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Active_Assignee.notificationLevel)
Notification_Active_Assignee_Recipients = $($_Notification_Active_Assignee.notificationRecipients -join ',')
Notification_Active_Approvers_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Active_Approvers.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Active_Approvers_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Active_Approvers.notificationLevel)
Notification_Active_Approvers_Recipients = $($_Notification_Active_Approvers.notificationRecipients -join ',')
Notification_Activation_Alert_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Activation_Alert.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Activation_Alert_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Activation_Alert.NotificationLevel)
Notification_Activation_Alert_Recipients = $($_Notification_Activation_Alert.NotificationRecipients -join ',')
Notification_Activation_Assignee_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Activation_Assignee.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Activation_Assignee_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Activation_Assignee.NotificationLevel)
Notification_Activation_Assignee_Recipients = $($_Notification_Activation_Assignee.NotificationRecipients -join ',')
Notification_Activation_Approver_isDefaultRecipientEnabled = $($_Notification_Activation_Approver.isDefaultRecipientsEnabled)
Notification_Activation_Approver_NotificationLevel = $($_Notification_Activation_Approver.NotificationLevel)
Notification_Activation_Approver_Recipients = $($_Notification_Activation_Approver.NotificationRecipients -join ',')
return $config
catch {
Mycatch $_

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