Towards Closing the Loop in Robotic Pollination for Indoor Farming via Autonomous Microscopic Inspection
We utilize NITROS in NVIDIA Docker Environment. Please ensure that your computer has supported NVIDIA GPU.
First open a powershell and check nvidia driver status:
> nvidia-smi
TODO: finish this after experimenting with Rohan
Install Docker Engine from this guild.
Configure Docker for rootless access here.
Follow the Developer Environment Setup to install nvidia-container-toolkit, Git LFS, and setup
For Step 1, select On x86_64 platforms
For step 4, select x86_64 and Jetson without SSD
Install ISAAC ROS Commons
cd ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src
git clone
NOTE: make sure to clone it into the the right repo
We also want to rename the repo to ensure consistancy with ROS2 pkgs
cd ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src
git clone
mv ./IndoorFarming/ ./proj_farmhand/
Then navigate to the project root folder.
cd proj_farmhand/
With the Git LFS installed, we want to pull the large files
git lfs pull
Move the Isaac ROS Common Config file to home
cp ./.isaac_ros_common-config ~/
If you have a Kinova Gen3 arm, consider using our kinova controll library posted here. Otherwise please configure your docker environment following the guild from here.
We will add the following shortcut to build a docker env according to ~/.isaac_ros_common-config
echo "alias ldb='cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}src/isaac_ros_common && ./scripts/'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias ld='cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}src/isaac_ros_common && ./scripts/ --skip_image_build'" >> ~/.bashrc
Note that ldb
will build the docker first then launch it. ld
will just launch what has already been built.
Now we start by with a fresh build:
source ~/.bashrc
For the first time building (or you have made changes non-python files under ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}src/
) build the package:
colcon build --symlink-install
source /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/install/setup.bash
NOTE: If you are using a desktop which has no built-in webcam, all OpenCV videocapture objects in this repo will need to be
. For example,cv2.VideoCapture(2)
should becv2.VideoCapture(0)
Now to bring up all the hardware (realsense, endoscope, microscope):
we first want to give permission to the arduino (you could also have /dev/ttyACM0
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
ros2 launch proj_farmhand
Now you should see a running real time YOLO classifier on the endoscope camera.
To start the demo, please start a new terminal, attach to the running docker:
then run the demo
ros2 run proj_farmhand main_multi_flower_pipeline