The goal of the library is to help with research in the area of data compression. This is not meant to be fast or efficient implementation, but rather for educational purpose
This library is currently being used for the course EE274: Data Compression course, Fall 22 at Stanford University, to augment the lectures and for homeworks:
- EE274 Lecture materials (slides etc)
- EE274 Course notes (in progress)
- The video recordings for lectures can be found as a Youtube Playlist
Here is a list of algorithms implemented.
- Huffman codes
- Shannon codes
- Fano codes
- Shannon Fano Elias
- Golomb codes
- Universal integer coder
- Elias Delta code
NOTE -> the tests in each file should be helpful as a "usage" example of each of the compressors. More details are on the project wiki.
Create conda environment and install required packages:
conda create --name myenv python=3.8 conda activate myenv
Clone the repo
git clone cd stanford_compression_library
Install the
packagepip install -e . #install the package in a editable mode
Run unit tests
To run all tests:
find scl -name "*.py" -exec py.test -s -v {} +
To run a single test
py.test -s -v scl/core/
In-depth information about the library will be in the comments. Tutorials/articles etc will be posted on the wiki page:
Run a formatter before submitting PR
black <dir/file> --line-length 100
Note that the Github actions CI uses black, so the PR will fail if black is not used. (see .github/workflows/black.yml
The best way to contact the maintainers is to file an issue with your question.