Expected software: Linux 22.04, Docker 20.10.17 Expected hardware: Adafruit BNO055 and CP2104 USB-to-UART Bridge (see https://github.com/flynneva/bno055 for hardware wiring)
Setup instructions
- Wire your BNO055 to your CP2104 Bridge. Plug the bridge into your computer.
- Clone this repo and cd into it
- Copy ros2.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and run $sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo service udev restart && sudo udevadm trigger.
- cd to /dev and run $ls, you should see a device named IMU_UART_bridge.
- cd back to the repository. Within the repo, cd into docker, and run $docker compose up -d. Then run $docker exec -it bno055_test bash to enter into the container.
- Within the container cd to /ros2_ws and run $colcon build; source install/setup.bash;
- Run the bno055 node with $ros2 run bno055 bno055 --ros-args --params-file ./src/bno055/bno055/params/bno055_params.yaml.
- Open up another terminal and enter into the same container. Run $source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash, then run $ros2 topic echo /bno055/imu. You should see a stream of IMU messages print continously to the screen.