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Adding a new feature to Alfresco Content Application (ACA)


This project was developed during the Alfresco Hackathon 2018 during the Alfresco DevCon 2018 on Lisbon.

The project makes use of the Alfresco Content Application (ACA) project to create a ready to test docker project that runs Alfresco 201707GA along with the the ADF application enhanced with the "Edit On Ms Office" action.

Starting point

Recently Alfresco released the first draft for Alfresco Content Application (ACA), the new UI app based on Alfresco Development Framework (ADF). As we developed an NG2 component for ADF some months ago (ng2-alfresco-aos-online), it's time to experiment how to add new features to Alfresco Content Application by enhancing the app with an "Edit on MS Office" action. Likely a short tutorial on adding features to ACA and a working sample will be produced.

Tasks completed

  • Update the old ng2-alfresco-aos-editonline npm module to version 0.1.6 supporting ADF 1.9.0
  • Create a new adf-aos-editonline-action npm module starting on version 2.0.0 to support ADF 2.0.0 onwards. Used ng-packgr to created
  • Create a new docker project based on alfresco-docker-template to create the following stack:
    • alfresco repo 201707GA
    • share 201707GA
    • nginx (serving alfresco-content-app)
    • solr6
    • postgres 9.4
    • libreoffice 5.2
  • Import the adf-aos-editonline-action module to the alfresco-content-app application
  • Configure the FileComponent to use the module and add the "Edit on Ms Office" action

Integration path

In order to enhance the alfresco-content-app, we followed this steps

  1. Create a new angular service inside de application
ng generate service modules/aos/aos.editonline 

This creates a new aos.editonline.service.ts file inside src/app/modules/aos with minimal content, there goes the AOS action logic, check the complete code here, for simplicity we only showing the public method that gets called when the action is fired.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class AosEditOnlineService {
	onActionEditOnlineAos(node: MinimalNodeEntryEntity): void {    
	    if (node.isFile) {
	      if (node.isLocked) {
	        let checkedOut = node.aspectNames.find((aspect: string) => aspect === 'cm:checkedOut');
	        let lockOwner =['cm:lockOwner'];
	        let differentLockOwner = !== this.alfrescoAuthenticationService.getEcmUsername();

	        if (checkedOut && differentLockOwner) {
	          this.onAlreadyLockedNotification(, lockOwner);
	        } else {
	      } else {
  1. Create a new angular module inside the alfresco-content-app application to wrap our service
ng generate module modules/aos

This creates a new aos.module.ts file inside src/app/modules/aos

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';

import { AosEditOnlineService } from './aos.editonline.service';

  imports: [
  declarations: [],
  exports: [],
  providers: [
export class AosModule { }

So this module only provides our service, pretty simple module.

  1. Once we got the module, in order to test our action, we can import it to the root module of the application, app.module.ts, using the relative path
import { AosModule } from './src/app/modules/aos/aos.module';

    imports: [
        RouterModule.forRoot(APP_ROUTES, {
            useHash: true,
            enableTracing: false // enable for debug only
  1. Now is time to use the module somewhere in the application, let's edit the FileComponent to add a new content action to it that will use our service to edit a document directly on Ms Office.


				<adf-document-list #documentList

                  title="{{ACTION.AOS.TITLE | translate }}"


import { AosEditOnlineService } from 'adf-aos-editonline-action';
        private aosEditOnlineService: AosEditOnlineService) {

        aosEditonline(event) {

Check the ADF documentation on this topic to learn about different options available

  1. Now it's time to test it


Docker Version >= 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6

Docker-Compose Version >= 1.18.0, build 8dd22a9

In order to change and rebuild the application, you will need to meet ADF requisites


  1. build alfresco-content-app
$ cd alfresco-content-app
$ npm run build
  1. Start the project (it can take some minutes in the first run to start)
$ cd ..
$ docker-compose up --build
  1. Install the self signed CA Certificate used to sign the ssl certificate present on (alfresco repo proxy reverse) service, the CA certificate can be found in the ssl folder on the root of the project

Alfresco is served by a proxy reverse with SSL on front to meet AOS requirements

$ openssl x509 -in ssl/CA.pem -text

Follow normal steps to import a trusted CA on your system/browser accessing the application.

  1. Configure the /etc/hosts file to map the IP address running the project with the hostnames and used by this docker project.
  1. Access ADF 2.0.0 alfresco-content-app and test "Edit on Ms Office" action

 admin / admin

We have tested with Windows 10 + Office 365, Mac should work too