Solidity: 1.8.0 (Mainnet)
is the mainnet release of Solidity contracts including KEEP liquidity rewards contract for the second version of TBTCv2 pool: LPRewardsTBTCv2SaddleV2.
In addition to the primary contracts, we're providing the release commit hash (which corresponds to the solidity/v1.8.0
tag) and associated signatures from the deployment team.
Commit hash for clean builds is c437dae28ca3c994df38c05177c4aaece3d7e1e7
Signatures of commit hash from the deployment team (verify these in the Keybase app):
BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkKUP1mo cBOwsMO2Zoy9oS4 RuaO1bwgSUG4cNZ RnlK7jKb7injUSX rCneq3sv5uRYU0g mYJvEThshfwgEMk 5NWHsggMKO8q84i eMhZmTsZ4RGlqFQ 3E5NcyMk8JZGJ59 KFvo9bwMJz07p7W RsrpJ7yyg6jYIjW xVVkAAv3zMjp9sS dPmm33zDqCbc4uL L86yW0RbEnY8J35 kHW4bVIe0PxeXxP . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. -
BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATeAym2 MVZyyxw3xQM494K T58ejOGALJRkD3p VDx1lZrrtjbzt96 4JuWIv5N6oVrKsR xFHc6CBH8Fl3jsA iHov6Hjz5qswH3w 1mR0F6UCdjKnN2B CWKGYjF4Y7e3su9 aofAcWA7fbCZZI2 9wBV20RbEnY8J35 kHW4bVIe0PxeXxP . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.
Finally, note that the full set of work that went into this release across contracts can be found in the corresponding solidity/v1.8.0 milestone.