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Plugin: BS440mail

keptenkurk edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 3 revisions

.ini file

BS440mail.ini states the name and email address of each scale user It also stores the login credentials to login to the mail provider. Currently using a gmail account has been tested.


The email you receive will contain the scale data for the last 3 weighings. The numbers will show green if the value was better than the weighing before (although "better" could differ from user to user). The bib parameter (bigger-is-better) tells if a larger number is considered good or bad. The data will be emailed in HTML format


To add motivational comments at the bottom of the output one can draft a praises textfile. A praise line starts with +++ (when the last three weights were increasing) to --- (when last three weights decreased). For example:

+++You should leave those cakes!
++-Ah thats better!
--+Oops watch out
---You are doing real great!

Multiple lines with the same start may exist and the praise will be selected randomly. Praise files can be different for each person and selected in the BS440mail.ini. Note that in order for the file to be found add the plugins subfolder like:

username: John
useremail: [email protected]
praises: plugins/BS440praises.txt