#Map Your Farmer’s Market
To create an accurate map of a Farmer's Market (suitable for submission to USDA) that can also be used on the web for visitors to find vendors, amenities, parking, etc.
##Current Software
- LibreCAD
##Current Website Sources
##Current Process (rough outline - details coming soon)
- using national map viewer, locate area of market and download 1-foot resolution aerial imagery
- place imagery in QGIS
- zoom into market area and create line layer indicating boundaries of market, areas where stalls are, etc. (use local state/plane projection)
- export line layer as DXF format
- open DXF format in LibreCAD and auto-zoom to market area
- measure angle of market space (in case space is not perfectly north aligned)
- create outlines of stalls and other amenities (if necessary, rotate outlines by angle determined in previous step)
- hatch solid fill the outlines (these will appear as polygons when opened in QGIS)
- save DXF
- open DXF in QGIS
- save layer as shapefile to make editable
- modify new layer to fill in attributes appropriate for market stalls and amenities (stall numbers, descriptions, etc.)