caseygram is a Instagram clone built using Django, Bootstrap, and jQuery. I recreated many of Instagrams features including: CRUD capabilties on posts, explore page, likes, comments, direct messaging, profiles, profiles pictures, bios, search bar, and followers/following categories. I used Bootstrap to recreate the UX of instagrams desktop page that changes for mobile use. jQuery is used to make real time like/follower/follwing updates using AJAX calls. Check out the website at (!
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
I have a handful of unit tests written for testing messages and posts.
class MessageTestCase(TestCase):
def create_message(self, sender=User.objects.get(id=1), receiver=User.objects.get(id=2), content='test message'):
return Message.objects.create(sender=sender, receiver=receiver, content=content,
def test_message_creation(self):
message = self.create_message()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(message, Message))
self.assertEqual(message.__str__(), message.content)
caseygram is deployed on Heroku.
- Django - The web framework used
- Bootstrap - Frontend html/css classes
- jQuery - Used for AJAX calls
- Heroku - Used for deployment
- Casey DeLange - cdelange
- Excited to finish this project!
- Corey Schafer- Corey's Youtube channel His youtube channel helped me learn Django in no time!