- c
- c++
- makefile
- First come first serve =>
- Shortest jop first =>
- Shortest Time To Complelion First =>
- Round robin =>
- Multi Level Feedback Queue =>
Using external program, data-set is created with random values to be as the program input
The input is taken from a text file Data_set.txt
directly and the choosen algrithm is applied to it
the output is displayed on the console or terminal showing the state of the processor with time
First we construct an object or struct for the "process" which holds data about each process
We know the number of instructions for each process and IO percent
Construct an array which holds the type of each instruction (IO instruction or cpu instruction)
Get number of instructions which are cpu instructions from the IO percent
Mark the n elements in the array with 1
IO Instruction
where n is the number of instrutions which are IO instrucions -
Randomize the array
After these steps we have now an array for each process with size = number of instructions for this process with random type. each value could be cpu instrution or io instruction. now we apply the wanted scheduling algorithm on this object