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Coffee Music Visualizer

A personal GUI + TUI music visualizer written in Rust.

About this project

I decided to write the visualizer because existing projects didn't suit me. Some too slow, some didn't have the visualizer I like, some take up too much cpu usage, etc.

This project also serves as my playground, so you'll see a lot of weird implementations in the source files.

What's new in v0.6.0

Terminal mode is back and enabled by default!

Minifb support has been removed!

Two new features have been added: 'window_only' and 'console_only` that respectively disables terminal mode and winit mode if you don't want it.

A little post-processing effect has been added to window mode which should make the animations a little more smooth looking.

New visualizers: TODO! Configuration changes: TODO!


Console Terminal

Platform support

Coffeevis so far only runs on Linux. Windows, MacOS and BSD support is not available.


cargo install coffeevis

To disable winit, use:

cargo install coffeevis --features console_only

To disable console mode, use:

cargo install coffeevis --features window_only


Coffeevis does not remember settings and does not generate config files (feature won't be implemented unless requested).

To get around this, make a user script that runs coffeevis with flags



/path/to/coffeevis --fps 60 --no-auto-switch --size 40x40


Coffeevis supports temporary options at launch

Option Value (example) Description
--x11 runs in X11 (Wayland is the default)
runs in the terminal
--no-auto-switch disables automatic visualizer switching
--size 80x80 sets resolution in window mode
--scale 2 upscales in window mode
--fps 60 sets refresh rate (by default coffeevis will try to query your monitor's refresh rate)
--resizable allows resizing in window mode
--max-con-size 50x50 sets maximum resolution in terminal mode
--vis spectrum launches coffeevis with the specified visualizer


Upon launch coffeevis will grab your default audio source, use an audio config tool to direct your desired source to coffeevis (e.g. pavucontrol).

On Wayland, coffeevis cannot set itself on top so you will have to rely on an external tool. For example, on KDE Plasma, you can use the window rules feature.

When input is quiet, the visualizer will try to amplify the input so that the visualizers don't become boring.

Coffeevis prints text directly to stdout, rendering may be heavy depending on your terminal.

A terminal with GPU-accelerated support is recommended (i.e Alacritty, Kitty, Wezterm, ...)

A maximum resolution is built into the console mode (default: 50x50). Coffeevis will render in the center of the screen if terminal dimensions are larger than the limit.

Keyboard shortcuts


Key Description
Space iterates forward through visualizers (wraps around)
b iterates backward (wraps around)
Esc exits
/ resets all settings
- / + decreases/increases input volume
[ / ] decreases/increases spectrum roughness
; / ' decreases/increases amount of samples into input (works for some wave-based visualizers only)
\ toggles auto switching (default: ON, 8 seconds)
n switches through sets of visualizers (wraps around)


Key Description
. toggles between ascii rendering, block rendering and braille rendering
9 / 0 decreases/increases maximum resolution
7 / 8 decreases/increases fps by 5 (default: 60)
1 .. 6 changes fps to 10 ... 60 respectively

Please don't look at my code. No I'm not hiding anything in there it's all garbage code idk how to do gpu programming so it's all cpu code uh uhhh