This is the final project for Distributed Database Systems(70240063-0)2020. Entire project is developed using MongoDB, Jupyter Notebook and Studio3T.
Start the servers
>python3 ./ddbms/server/
To import structured data in json format, simply run <host> <port> <database name> <path to data> <file name>
>bash ./ddbms/import/ localhost 26000 db /home/data "*.json"
We use GridFS from MongoDB to store unstructured data such as image, video and text files. To import unstructured data, run <host> <port> <database name> <path to data> <file name>
>bash ./ddbms/import/ localhost 26000 db <data path> "*.flv"
mongo --port 26000
note: Misc folder contains some of the JavaScript and Python codes that were used to generate additional collections and start listener.