1.0.0 (2024-10-30)
Bug Fixes
Align action button to the left to prevent overlapping with floating action button. (189cb71 )
Asset select field on the Send Transaction screen now fixed to handle long lists of items. (ddce1bd )
Bottom sheet now correctly scrolling with high long lists (a31f159 )
Bottom sheet title now aligns correctyl to centre (6ba7139 )
Change to allow user to open 'already added' assets in the asset search screen. (3c709c2 )
check if the widget is mounted before using pagingcontroller (5b734a7 )
correct the testnet url (9a5f265 )
corrected widget padding (b6f771a )
correctly process long integers for displaying balance (d3d7366 )
Correctly showing Algorand icons instead of Voi icons when using the Algorand network. (a29037d )
export account screen qr code where it was not displaying correctly on landscape (5951b99 )
Fix bug when switching networks when viewing in a tablet or desktop where the left panel still shows an asset from the other network. (1ba1dde )
fixed bug where enable password switch and the provider were not in sync (6865299 )
fixed bug where it would not remember the preference on asking for pin code (1a603de )
Fixed error showing when user selected network already active, causing it to re-init the account. Now correctly takes no action. (abf7341 )
Fixed issue with searching and opting in to assets. (9deb1c9 )
fixed issue wjere user preferences were not being set correctly on startup (05e9914 )
forgot to check in this file for previous fix. (6642754 )
incorrect version of test package for currently used dart sdk. Set to 1.24.9 (8fc7567 )
not updating the active asset provider when selecting an asset from add assets screen (19b8e4b )
Now once again showing the date / time of transactions (aff392a )
prefetch authentication details from storage on pinpad initialisation (2adfe32 )
reduce the confetti (86e76e8 )
refactored app init functions (b1cde4e )
remove unused commented code (3c16486 )
Remove unused variable (915d865 )
Removed some irrelevant comments (0ee9aa6 )
removed some unused code (63b5ce0 )
Removed unused code (92940c4 )
update the app reset function to delete all instead of deleting 1 by 1. (8397f4f )
update the version number (dbbf7fb )
update variable names to dart standards (cac1f28 )
use correct fastlane option (8b64705 )
version number updates for leak_tracker (880c1dd )
add a delete contact button (65ca386 )
add a different color to each of the fab submenu items (0fe1b56 )
add adaptive icons (#13 ) (a6fe285 )
add arc 0200 contract wrapper (#5 ) (ecaa62a )
add contact address book (ebd4b48 )
add last used date on contacts and show the contact names in transaction items (21a8f53 )
add pagination and ignore duplicate accounts scanned (3522678 )
add release workflow and commit linting (#2 ) (b369557 )
attempt to handle incoming outgoing from same account (446f9b3 )
can now opt into arc-200 assets (ce2b36c )
can now search for arc200 assets by name (da178cc )
change security screen time picker to use bottom sheet (455c2b1 )
implement arc0200 send assets. (6b8b0e1 )
implement paginated scan imports (d3e6afd )
move fastlane to automatically publish (e364199 )
now correctly opting in to arc200 assets (012228a )
Now polling balance every 30 seconds (f656987 )
Now showing shimmer effect when loading sessions in place of the default circular spinner (394e84d )
Now showing shimmer effect when searching for assets, in place of the default circular spinner (535be5f )
Now showing visual difference in watch accounts on account list screen (c159c89 )
shimmer loading effect on account name when fetching account details. (4067ec3 )
update package mismatch (3979324 )
use package version from pubspec (#15 ) (e41d456 )
Users can now change between Voi and Algorand main and test networks. (eeaa20c )
You can’t perform that action at this time.