Testing examples for Java using the JUnit testing framework. Comes with a script to run your tests with either vanilla JUnit or mutation testing. Currently PIT and Jumble mutation testing tools are supported.
Our goal is to make each example simple to follow. Each example has it's own folder with the following files:
This file is a small class (or 'snippet') that contains the code to be tested.
This file is how you run your tests. It should be the same in every example folder.
Here is where the tests go for Snippet.java.
│ run.sh
│ │
│ ├───example1
│ │ │ Snippet.java
│ │ │ TestSuite.java
│ │ │ Tests.java
│ │
│ ├───example2
│ │ │ Snippet.java
│ │ │ TestSuite.java
│ │ │ Tests.java
│ │
│ │ ...
│ junit-4.12.jar # REQUIRED
│ hamcrest-core-1.3.jar # REQUIRED
│ pitest-1.1.7.jar # IF using PIT
│ pitest-command-line-1.1.7.jar # IF using PIT
│ jumble_binary_1.3.0.jar # IF using Jumble
To make running these tests easier, we created a script to run an example using JUnit, PIT, or Jumble. Here is what you need to know:
In order to use our script, we require you to download a few necessary jars. The JUnit ones are required, however the jars for PIT and Jumble are only required if you plan on using those tools for mutation testing. Here is where you can download all of them:
The script supplied will compile and run a given example folder. Here is the usage information:
Usage: ./run.sh [example1|example2|...] [junit|pit|jumble]