Works best for macOS (silicon).
Open Terminal (for now) and run git init
in the home directory, so you can go back in time if you mess up.
You'll be prompted to install Xcode command line tools. Accept. Wait.
Once that's done set up the git repo in home with (replace with appropriate email):
git config --global "kinbiko"
git config --global "[email protected]"
# Try `git init` in the home directory again.
git init
# Use `config/git/gitignore-for-home-dir` as the `.gitignore` for this repo:
curl > .gitignore
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial commit'
Set up the password manager, and install Arc. Set Arc as the default browser and set up sync to get extensions, settings, and bookmarks set up. Make sure the password manager browser plugin works.
Set up SSH keys in GitHub following the official instructions.
Clone this repo:
git clone [email protected]:kinbiko/dotfiles.git ~/.config
Set up zsh: setup/
If you close your current shell and open a new one, it should look pretty (and have a few extra features). That said, most software is not yet installed.
Install brew
and install packages with setup/
You can now close Terminal and use Alacritty instead.
Install iWallpaper (not free).
- Disable spotlight cmd + space shortcut in keyboard -> shortuts -> spotlight
- Set Alfred shortcut to
cmd + space
- Add the Nord theme to Alfred.
- Set up the workflow.
- Set up clipboard history. Map to
cmd + p
(who prints these days anyway?)
Follow the GitHub instructions if you get lost.
Always check that these steps still follow best security practices.
The following will prompt you to follow an interactive setup:
gpg --full-gen-key
Defaults are fine, but set your email to be the same as your GitHub email.
Run gpg --list-secret-keys
to see your generated key ID.
Generate the public key using this ID:
$ gpg --armor --export $KEY_ID | pbcopy
Add this GPG key to GitHub via the UI.
Configure git to always sign commits:
git config --global gpg.program $(which gpg)
git config --global user.signingkey $KEY_ID
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
Then set the pinentry program to be pinentry-mac and restart the gpg-agent:
echo "pinentry-program $(which pinentry-mac)" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
killall gpg-agent
Install shell bindings like ctrl+r and ctrl+t.
/opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/install # Install key bindings
Basically, I can't be arsed to write up detailed instructions for these tools.
- Set up Japanese language learning software: Yomichan and Anki
- Set up any auth required for ops and infra (
, etc.)
Run setup/
Do the rest manually for now, until I figure out the command-line commands to run for all of these.
- Set up the Mac dock:
- Move it to the left-hand side
- Make icons much smaller
- Pretty decent zoom
- Don't animate opening apps
- Don't show recent application in dock
- Automatically hide and show dock (to get back some screen real estate)
- Remove most apps from the dock apart from (final list:) Finder, Arc, Alacritty, Trash
- Set system-wide dark mode.
- Automatically hide the menu bar.
- Keep track of 'none' recent items.
- Revert scroll direction
- Trackpad:
- Lookup and data detectors -> tap with three fingers
- Disable tap to click
- Accessibility (this is where the good bits are):
- System voice to fast, and start speaking with
- Zoom with ctrl + scroll
- Pointer control -> trackpad- > 3-finger drag
- System voice to fast, and start speaking with
- Change language with alt + space, and have only two input sources:
- American English
- Hiragana
- Keyboard:
- Turn caps lock into ctrl