=== WP Polylang Custom Slug ===
Contributors: kishankotharri Tags: polylang, multilingual, multi-lang, lang Requires at least: 5.6 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable Tag: 1.0.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
== Description ==
- Synchronize Post Slugs Across Languages
- Automatically use the same slug for posts across all languages, ensuring consistency in URL structures.
- Example: A post with the English slug about-us will have the same slug across all language variations (/fr/about-us/, /es/about-us/).
- Ensure compatibility with both standard posts and custom post types.
- Synchronize Term Slugs Across Languages
- Ensure taxonomy term slugs (categories, tags, or custom taxonomies) are shared across all languages for consistency.
- Offer an option to inherit the slug from the default language or manually define a consistent slug for each term. Example: A category with the slug technology will remain the same across all languages (/fr/technology/, /es/technology/).
- Shared Media Across All Languages Enable media library items (images, videos, PDFs) to be shared across all languages without duplication.
- Automatically link a single media item to all translations of a post or term, reducing storage redundancy.
- Example: An image uploaded for an English post will be available for use in the French or Spanish versions of the same post without needing re-upload or duplication.