- Transform the count table to the format accepted by UCHIME (Add """\t" at the beginning of the document, " meaning here that " is a part of the string, \t means a tab).
- Sort ASVs (FASTA file) by abundance and state the total number of counts - another requirement for the use of UCHIME.
- Run UCHIME V1 to detect and exclude chimeras left unnoticed by previous analyses.
- Reformat the FASTA file to include just the ASV IDs.
- Reformat the count table for dbOTU - remove the rows that correspond to chimera ASVs.
- Run dbOTU to detect ASVs coming from the same species based on their genetic AND distribution similarity.\
Key output (in OTUs_${your_data_type}):
- OTUs_${your_data_type}.txt - count table for distribution- and genetics-based OTUs.
- OTUs_membership - the ASVs included in each OTU.
Create the conda environment for the pipeline (specified in environment.yml, if you are using SLURM you can use the SLURM_clustering_env.sh script to set up a job)
Prepare and upload the necessary files and put them into directories data_${your_data_type}, e.g. data_16S. There should be two files in each of these directories:
I. asv_seqs.fasta - your ASV (amplicon sequence variant) sequences in the FASTA format;
II. asv_counts.tsv - your count table. -
Run the pipeline using workflow_all.sh (You can use SLURM_chimera_dbOTU.sh to run a SLURM job, remember to modify according to your needs). Parameters:
I. your data type (no prefix), corresponding to ${your_data_type} in the data directory name. E.g. 16S if your data directory is called data_16S;
II. -d [0,1] - maximum genetic distance allowed to be accepted for the species clusters (for dbOTU, see https://dbotu3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started.html#deciding-on-parameters). Default 0.1, for bacteria 0.03 is recomended;
III. -p [0,1] - distribution similarity p-value cut-off, 0.0005 by default.
The pipeline runs:
I. Chimera reduction with UCHIME v1.
II. Distribution and genetic similarity clustering using dbOTU v3. -
If you downloaded your files and are sure you don't need the intermediate files, you can use clean.sh
Make data_${your_data_type} directories.
File formats:
asv_seqs.fasta - ASV names same as in asv_counts.tsv.
TATACGT... (sequence)
TATACGT... (sequence)
asv_counts.tsv - samples as columns, row names corresponding to your ASV IDs.
Row and column names in quotations!\
Important: Files need to have those names!
Here we use a stable dbOTU3 version downloaded as a python script on May 21, 2023
This pipeline has been heavily inspired by John Sundh's work: https://github.com/johnne/ASV-clustering I also used some of his work.\
This pipeline would obviously also not be possible without the developers of UCHIME v1 and dbOTU v3