Make sure you try the features by clicking 'try demo' on the top right corner.
WeSlack is a solo demo project that clones Slack. It is a communication webapp where users can send live messages in channels and directly to each other. It was built utilizing a Ruby on Rails backend with a React/Redux fronted.
This project was created within approximately 10 days as a demo project, and this is my first solo project. There are many parts that can be improved, but hey, it is how things start.
- BCrypt encrypted user authentication from frontend to backend
- Users can sign up, and log in. When they log in, their information is still there.
- After users login, they can refresh page without being logged out.
- Can log out through right top corner.
- Before logging in, users will be redirected to the login page.
- On users' side bar
- Only the channles that a user has joined will show up on the user's page
- Users can click to go to different channels
- About channels' authentication
- Users can't send messages in the channel they haven't joined
- Users can leave a channel
- Users can create a channel
- create channel button is disabled when the channel name is empty
- can choose to create a public or private channel
- can put description in the creation channel form
- can exit the create channel form
- the form disapears after creating the channel successfully
- Users can see all the channels through searching, and request to join
- if a user requests to join a public channel, the requst will be permitted immediately.
- if a user requests to join a private channel, it shows that the request has been sent
- About channels' info and member list
- Users can see the member number and mumber list in the channel
- Users can click on the member list and send direct message to the member
- Users can see the name and the channel description
- The admin of the private channels can approve/deny other users joining requests
- Users can send messages to other users
- Live messaging is implemented by using Action Cable
- Works in both channels and direct messages
- Can send with enter and add a line with enter + ctrl
- Send is disabled when the input area is empty
- Can search all channels, including the ones that the user has not joined
- Can search all users
- Auto matches search text (the search function is implemented through a very naive approach that will only work for demo purpose/very small amount of data)
- Users can click on the search result and be redirected to the message page to the corresponding channel/user.
The icon is from, thanks to the creator!
local start: pgstart(customized alias to start postgresql) rails s npm run webpack