Basic typescript template with dev server. Perfect for creating webcomonents and basic libraries
git clone your-project-name
npm install
npm start
npm test
Running the following command adds eslint to the project
npm install -D eslint; npx eslint --init
This template is to simplify creating projects using LIT-element and adds a simple style-loader to enable writing styles outside of the component
// Import the styles
import styles from "./test-style.scss";
export class TestWebComponent extends HTMLElement {
// Add styles to the component
static styles = [styles];
constructor() {
const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
<h1>Typescript starter</h1>
<li>Tip #1: run *npm run test*</li>
<li>Tip #2: run *install lit*</li>
Lit generator repo
Install lit-gen using the following command
npm install -g lit-generator
And your are able to create scaffolding for components with styles using a simple:
lit-gen component my-awesome-web-component