This repository consists of the Capstone project that I completed as a part of Google's Data Analytics Professional Certificate.
The Course can be found here click.
In this case study, I used data from a fictional bike rental company based in Chicago, Cyclist, to try to determine and understand the main differences between annual members and casual rider. With such insights, I was able to deliver recommendations, with which the company has developed a marketing campaign aimed at converting casual riders to annual members, and hence maximizing the growth of the company.
Cyclistic is a fictional company that has a bike share program and has many customers. The director of the marketing believes the comapany's future depends on maximizing certain types of customer. You, a part of the data analyst team, has been asked to answer few question. You'll be provided with a data source to not only answer these question, but aslo you'd be asked to share your insights and three top most recommendation on how to proceed with things.