Train and test image anomaly detection models with Anomalib. Examples on a custom dataset
Get specific classes from the Coco Dataset with annotations for the Yolo Object Detection model for building custom object detection models.
Solves basic Russian NLP tasks, API for lower level Natasha projects
Faster Arbitrarily-Shaped Text Detector with Minimalist Kernel Representation
Annotate better with CVAT, the industry-leading data engine for machine learning. Used and trusted by teams at any scale, for data of any scale.
The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
YOLOv6: a single-stage object detection framework dedicated to industrial applications.
Code for Pose-Controllable Talking Face Generation by Implicitly Modularized Audio-Visual Representation (CVPR 2021)
Implementation of PulseGAN paper for rPPG signal refinement (non-official)
Code for "HyperNeRF: A Higher-Dimensional Representation for Topologically Varying Neural Radiance Fields".
Pytorch implementation of paper "One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing"
Code for the model to segment people at the image
Objectron is a dataset of short, object-centric video clips. In addition, the videos also contain AR session metadata including camera poses, sparse point-clouds and planes. In each video, the came…
PyTorch implementation for 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry
Fast and accurate object detection with end-to-end GPU optimization
Download single or multiple classes from the Open Images V6 dataset (OIDv6)
Compress BiSeNet with Structure Knowledge Distillation for Real-time image segmentation on wali-TX2
extends Scene Segmentation to Instance Segmentation using 8-Connected Components Decision.
State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
cnn network predict face landmarks (68 points) and head pose (3d pose, yaw,roll,pitch).
This is the PyTorch implementation of paper Real-time Facial Surface Geometry from Monocular Video on Mobile GPUs (
Retinaface get 80.99% in widerface hard val using mobilenet0.25.
MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG based SSD/SSD-lite implementation in Pytorch 1.0 / Pytorch 0.4. Out-of-box support for retraining on Open Images dataset. ONNX and Caffe2 support. Experiment Ideas lik…
The PyTorch improved version of TPAMI 2017 paper: Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution.
Segmenting people on photos using IOS devices [Pytorch; Unet]