To start this arcade game crone, you have to open the folder called 'frontend-nanodegree-arcade-game-master'. Inside of the folder, there are folders and files below,
css...this folder contains style sheet file to adjust styles of the website.
images ... Inside of this folder, you can see the image files to be shown on the arcade game screen.
js ... Inside of this folder, there are 3 javascript files to control the movement and behavior on the arcade game. The detailed explanation will be done later section.
index ... this is the html file and you need to choose this file to be shown on the browser. file, it explains basic function for each files and how they work.
Now you have to choose the file called 'index' and drag and drop on the new browser tab, so that you will be able to see the screen like arcade game.
You will be able to see the 2 objects
Player...this is the one which you need to control, your goal is reaching on the river side at the top of screen.
Enemy... this is enemy which you need to avoid on the screen because if you collides to this one, you need to start from the bottom of screen.
In the game screen, You are able to control the movement of the player (a litle boy) by pressing any of the keys from ↑↓→←. You are able to see how each key works as below.
- up (↑) ... this key allows you to move up the player on the screen
- right (→)...this key allows yout to move right on the screen.
- down(↓)...this key allows you to move down on the screen.
- left (←)...this key allows you to move left on the screen.
The goal of this mini game will be crossing the street and reaching the riverside (top of the screen) by controlling the player. You can see some enemies (bugs) to avoid. If your player colleds with the bugs, then your player are picked back to the start position (bottom of the screen) and you have to try again.
As mentioned, there are 3 javascript files inside of the js folder. I will briefly explain what each file does on the arcade game.
i) app.js This file contains the basic information of the player/ enemies function. For example, initial position of the player/ enemies, how the player can be controlled by the certain key, when the collision will be occured etc...
ii) engine.js This file provides the game loop functionality (update entities and render), draws the initial game board on the screen, and then calls the update and render methods on your player and enemy objects (defined in your app.js).
iii) resorces.js This is simply an image loading utility. It eases the process of loading image files so that they can be used within your game. It also includes a simple "caching" layer so it will reuse cached images if you attempt to load the same image multiple times.
- Name: Kohki Sato
- E-mail: [email protected]