This is a quite hacky script to calculate Voronoi Treemap layouts for JSON files produced by the polyglot-code-scanner program.
For an overview see
For more detailed instructions on running this tool see
You can run this script using node.js, or via Docker - or binary builds are coming
I'm doing a lot of changes right now - if you fetch the current code, things may break.
Especially note, I'm changed the data file formats created by the explorer and used by the scanner - I've added version number checks, but data files from the Scanner must match expectations of the Explorer, so for now it's a bit of "make sure you pull changes often" or things will break.
- Install node.js - see
- clone the code from
- In the checked out repository, run
npm install
to fetch all the dependencies
Then you can run it with
$ node layout.js -i input.json -o output.json
If you have multiple repositories in your source json, e.g. for a group of projects or microservices, you can ask for a pretty circle-packed algorithm for the main diagram with -c
$ node layout.js -c -i input.json -o output.json
The -i
and -o
parameters are optional, if you don't supply them the script will read stdin and send output to stdout, so you can use unix-style pipes, or :
$ node layout.js < input.json > output.json
There are some optional parameters:
- -h for help
- -c to use circle packing for the top level shaping, voronoi for the rest
- -g (the default) to accept an imperfect voronoi map - if you turn this off, the script will fail if it can't find a precise layout
- -p NNN - specify how many points to use to draw the main circles around voronoi treemaps. The default is 128, which is a pretty smooth circle. You could specify
-p 6
and it will use hexagons!
If you don't want to install node.js, you can fetch a bundled executable file instead.
I am using pkg to package up runnable executables.
Binary releases are published to
You should be able to download the right file for your platform here. Note I haven't tested this at all on Windows yet! And I only have a single generic build for linux and OSX - if you are on another platform, you'll have to use node.js for now.
OSX has a system to protect you from malware, called 'gatekeeper' - by default on OSX if you try to run the binary app, you'll get an error "app is from an unknown developer". To bypass this I'd have to go through a complex extra stage of signing and bundling my tool as an application, which I'm avoiding for now.
If you are happy that the binary is safe - all the code that builds it is on github, so you should be able to inspect it yourself - you can run it by stripping the extra attributes that OSX adds when you download it:
xattr -d polyglot-code-offline-layout
Then you can move the polyglot-code-offline-layout
binary to wherever you want.