YouTube Downloader
Download video or whole playlist, can convert to mp3
npm i
node index [options...]
-u, --url <YouTube Url> - link to YouTube page
-f, --format <Output format> - formats: (mp4, mp3) or (0, 1) - default: mp4
if you select mp3, it will be provided additional operation for converting mp4 to mp3
Important: this operation slow down the whole process
-l, --list <List Option> - options: (false, true) or (0, 1) - default: false
if you select true, it will download automatically all URLs in given YouTube playlist
Important: You need to provide YouTube URL including playlist in the query string
-tn, --track-number <Prefix> - prefixes: add number or anything else to the title of track - default: empty
Important: Will not work for playlists
-o, --output <Path> - path: working directory for the app - default: './output'
-s, --skip <Number> - Skip N tracks from playlist
node index -u "",
node index --url "" --track-number "01",
node index -u "" -l "true",
node index --url "" -l "true" -o "D:\"
node index --url "" -l "true" -s 35