I saw that Dimensional Cake was never ported beyond 1.9.4. It was MIT Licensed and I asked if I could take it over just in case there were some source code available.
I have decided to build it from scratch as there was no source code available and have borrowed the textures and other resource files from it.
Original Mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/dimensional-cake?gameCategorySlug=mc-mods&projectID=236953
I have succeeded in creating a cake that when eaten in The Overworld will take you to The End and if you place and eat it in the The End it will take you back to The Overworld.
However, it currently does not take you back to exactly where you were and I am working on a solution for this. One suggestion was to use player capabilities which is a whole new ball of wax for me.
I'm wondering if a scoreboard might be easier.
An efficient and hopefully elegant way to store the previous dimension and coordinates for easy return.