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Use library with Maven

Kaoru Shoji edited this page Dec 16, 2015 · 5 revisions

Maven 3.1.1 or later required for maven-android-plugin.

More information to build Android application with Maven, See the 'maven-android-plugin' project's wiki.

  • Create new Maven project with Eclipse
  • Install "Android 3.1" dependency with maven, using the Maven Android SDK deployer.
  • Edit pom.xml file for the created project, like below. (See also Sample Project's pom.xml file).
            <version>0.1.4</version><!-- check the latest release version with -->

Update/Release process with Maven

Currently, the processes do not work on github. This section has written for developing with local git repository. The local git repository can create with git init --bare command.

Update the snapshot

Execute this on the command line.

mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshots::default::file:snapshots clean deploy

Then, xml and apklib files are generated in snapshots directory. Commit these and push to the repository.

Release a new version

At first, you must edit pom.xml file's <scm> section.


Then execute this on the command line.

mvn release:clean release:prepare

The packages will be uploaded to github. And the new tag will be added. And now, execute this for release completion.

mvn release:perform