v1.6.0-rc.1 release
3 commits
to v1.6-branch
since this release
Note: Since scheduler-plugins has changed API from sigs.k8s.io
with the x-k8s.io
, future releases of training operator(v1.7+) will not support scheduler-plugins v0.24.x or lower
Merged pull requests:
- [SDK] pod has no metadata attr anymore in the get_job_logs() … #1760 (yaobaiwei)
- Fix Python installation in CI #1759 (tenzen-y)
- fix infinite loop in init-pytorch container #1756 (kidddddddddddddddddddddd)
- Update mpijob_controller.go #1755 (yshalabi)
- Set the default value of CleanPodPolicy to None #1754 (Syulin7)
- Fix the success condition of the job in PyTorchJob's Elastic mode. #1752 (Syulin7)
- Update join Slack link #1750 (Syulin7)
- Add validation for verifying that the CustomJob (e.g., TFJob) name meets DNS1035 #1748 (tenzen-y)
- Update latest operator image #1742 (johnugeorge)
- Run E2E with various Python versions to verify Python SDK #1741 (tenzen-y)
- [SDK] Use Training Client without Kube Config #1740 (andreyvelich)
- Add Yuki to reviewer group #1739 (johnugeorge)
- Fix XGBoost conditions bug #1737 (tenzen-y)
- Add E2E test for gang-scheduling #1736 (tenzen-y)
- Trim down CRD descriptions #1735 (tenzen-y)
- To fix scaledown error, upgrade PyTorch version to v1.13.1 in echo example #1733 (tenzen-y)
- Add CI to build example images #1731 (tenzen-y)
- Fix predicates of paddlepaddle-controller for scheduling.volcano.sh/v1beta1 PodGroup #1730 (tenzen-y)
- Fix indents on examples for tensorflow #1726 (tenzen-y)
- Adopting coschduling plugin #1724 (tenzen-y)
- docs: Update Kubernetes requirement and version matrix #1721 (terrytangyuan)
- [SDK] Create Unify Training Client #1719 (andreyvelich)
- chore: Update the use of MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy in TF #1715 (terrytangyuan)
- Configure controller worker threads #1707 (HeGaoYuan)
- Validation Spec consistency #1705 (HeGaoYuan)
- Removing deprecated Job Labels #1702 (johnugeorge)
- HPA support for PyTorch Elastic #1701 (johnugeorge)
- fix: Mac M1 compatible Dockerfile and bump TF version #1700 (terrytangyuan)
- Bump certifi from 2022.9.14 to 2022.12.7 in /py/kubeflow/tf_operator #1699 (dependabot[bot])
- Fix status lost #1697 (ggaaooppeenngg)
- Adding support for linux/ppc64le in github actions for training-operator #1692 (amitmukati-2604)
- Add myself to reviewer. #1689 (kuizhiqing)
- Upgrade the envtest version #1687 (tenzen-y)
- [chore] Upgrade some actions version #1686 (tenzen-y)
- Upgrade Golangci-lint #1685 (johnugeorge)
- Support for k8s v1.25 in CI #1684 (johnugeorge)
- Make a generic logger instead of the nil logger on dependent update #1680 (ggaaooppeenngg)
- [SDK] Remove Final Keyword from constants #1676 (andreyvelich)
- [PaddlePaddle] support paddlejob #1675 (kuizhiqing)
- Removed GOARCH dependency for multiarch support #1674 (pranavpandit1)
- Bump protobuf from 3.8.0 to 3.18.3 in /py/kubeflow/tf_operator #1669 (dependabot[bot])
- Update deployment.yaml #1668 (OmriShiv)
- Upgrade kubernetes versoin for test #1667 (tenzen-y)
- Add PodGroup as controller watch source #1666 (ggaaooppeenngg)
- Upgrade Go version to v1.19 #1663 (tenzen-y)
- style: Refine name and signature of 2 replicaName functions #1660 (houz42)
- Create TFJob and PyTorchJob from Function APIs in the Training SDK #1659 (andreyvelich)
- Update the cmd to support MPI operator in ReadME #1656 (denkensk)
- Update training operator sdk version to 1.5.0 #1651 (johnugeorge)
- handle all restart policies #1649 (abin-thomas-by)
- [chore] fix typo #1648 (tenzen-y)
- Add finalizers to cluster-role #1646 (ArangoGutierrez)
- fix: support MxNet single host training when update mxJob status #1644 (PeterChg)
- fix: fix mxnet failed to update StartTime and CompletionTime #1643 (PeterChg)
- Fix the default LeaderElectionID and make it an argument #1639 (goyalankit)
- fix: fix wrong parameter for resolveControllerRef #1583 (fighterhit)
- fix: tfjob with restartPolicy=ExitCode not work #1562 (cheimu)
Closed issues:
- The default value for CleanPodPolicy is inconsistent. #1753
- HPA support for PyTorch Elastic #1751
- Bug: allowance of non DNS-1035 compliant PyTorchJob names results in service creation failures and missing state #1745
- paddle-operator can not get podgroup status(inqueue) with volcano when enable gang #1729
- *job API(master) cannot compatible with old job #1725
- Support coscheduling plugin #1722
- Number of worker threads used by the controller can't be configured #1706
- Conformance: Training tests #1698
- PyTorch and MPI Operator pulls hardcoded initContainer #1696
- PaddlePaddle Training: why can't find pods #1694
- Training-operator pod CrashLoopBackOff in K8s v1.23.6 with kubeflow1.6.1 #1693
- [SDK] Create unify client for all Training Job types #1691
- Support Kubernetes v1.25 #1682
- panic happened when add podgroup watch #1679
- OnDependentUpdateFunc for Job will panic when enable volcano scheduler #1678
- There is no clusterrole of "MPI Jobs" in kubeflow 1.5. #1670
- Change Kubernetes version for test #1665
- Support for multiplatform container imege (amd64 and arm64) #1664
- Training Operator pod failed to start on OCP 4.10.30 with error "memory limit too low" #1661
- After setting hostNetwork to true, mpi does not work #1657
- What is the purpose of /examples/pytorch/elastic/etcd.yaml #1655
- When will MPIJob support v2beta1 version? #1653
- Kubernetes HPA doesn't work with elastic PytorchJob #1645
- training-operator can not get podgroup status(inqueue) with volcano when enable gang #1630
- Training operator fails to create HPA for TorchElastic jobs #1626
- Release v1.5.0 tracking #1622
- upgrade client-go #1599
- trainning-operator may need to monitor PodGroup #1574
- Error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference #1553
- The pytorchJob training is slow #1532
- pytorch elastic scheduler error #1504