forcucekians is made for collage students, where they can upload and download materials like books, notes etc., this repositary is frontend of forcucekians .
- those students who don’t like to prepare their own notes and rush for it when exams are near.
- also of those who prepare their own notes and keep forwarding same material many times (just upload here and it will be accessible to everyone).
- CSS: Styling web pages, html files
- Javascript: Primary programing language
- ReactJS: Javascript library for building User Interfaces
- React-router-dom: library for routing in React
- Styled-components: CSS-in-JS library
Note: Before installing make sure that you have 'Node.js' & 'git' installed in your computer.
- Go to folder where you want install this repo.
- Right click and you will get some options.
- Click on ' Git Bash Here ' and you will get a linux like CLI.
- Clone repositary
git clone
- Change directory to repo
cd forcucekians-frontend
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start server
npm start