Store Manager
Store Manager is a web application that helps store owners manage sales and product inventory records. This application is meant for use in a single store.
Store manager is an application that aims to easen the life of a store owner and attendants by keeping track of product and sales
Code style
The api is constructed using python flask and flask restplus
Testing is done using pytest
Test coverage is done using pytest-cov
Clone the repo to your local machine.
open using python run
open localhost
- Store attendant can search and add products to buyer’s cart.
- Store attendant can see his/her sale records but can’t modify them.
- App should show available products, quantity and price.
- Store owner can see sales and can filter by attendants.
- Store owner can add, modify and delete products.
- Store owner can give admin rights to a store attendant.
- Products should have categories.
- Store attendants should be able to add products to specific categories.
EndPoint Functionality
- GET /products Fetch all products Get all available products.
- GET /products/productId Fetch a single product record
- GET /sales Fetch all sale records Get all sale records.
- GET /sales/saleId Fetch a single sale record
- POST /products Create a product
- POST /sales Create a sale order
Authors Kwame Asiago