The SpokestackRSSReader showcases Spokestack's Text-to-Speech (TTS) functionality by taking a feed's headlines, processing them with Spokestack's TTS service and responding with a "natural voice" utterance.
- iOS 13+
- Xcode 11+
- Spokestack (installed via CocoaPods)
- FeedKit (installed via CocoaPods)
git clone
cd SpokestackExamples/SpokestackRSSReader
gem install cocoapods
pod install
open SpokestackRSSReader.xcworkspace
The customizations to the sample app include (SpokestackRSSReader/SpokestackRSSReader/Configs/App.swift):
- The welcome message: What is read when the app starts up
- Action delay: Time delay (in seconds) between reading each headline
- Action Phrase: Button text on each item card. i.e. "Tell me more"
- Finished message: Message that is read when all headlines have been read
- Heading: Text for navigation bar
- Feed URL: Link to the RSS feed that you want to process
- Number of Feed Items to display: Defaults to 5