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Week 2 Chat
09:34am luisdaniel: oh.
09:35am sklise: ah
09:36am atduskgreg joined the chat room.
09:37am RobbieT-student joined the chat room.
09:38am kt joined the chat room.
09:38am itp_shep joined the chat room.
09:39am mepler joined the chat room.
09:40am luisdaniel: I <3 s112343434_'s nick
09:41am thisdoug joined the chat room.
09:43am genevieve joined the chat room.
09:43am sklise: genevieve: 09:43am sklise: hi
09:43am genevieve: sweet
09:45am sklise left the chat room. (Remote host closed the connection)
09:45am itp_shep left the chat room. (Remote host closed the connection)
09:51am Wilj joined the chat room.
09:55am ivanabasic joined the chat room.
09:55am justinlange joined the chat room.
09:55am justinlange: Howdy
09:56am nel joined the chat room.
09:56am nel: hw
09:56am sklise joined the chat room.
10:00am ivanabasic left the chat room. (Quit: ivanabasic)
10:01am luisdaniel: fun fact: Chuck Close suffers from prosopagnosia
10:01am Wilj: radiolab.
10:01am itp_shep joined the chat room.
10:01am luisdaniel: damn right
10:02am sklise: video on adding addons in openFrameworks 007 from theo watson: http://vimeo.com/34092591
10:02am Wilj: great episode Oliver Sacks description of it is great.
10:08am lia_ joined the chat room.
10:17am hafez joined the chat room.
10:20am atduskgreg: Facebook: "We currently have over 200 million photos uploaded per day, or around 6 billion per month. There are currently almost 90 billion photos total on Facebook. This means we are, by far, the largest photos site on the Internet."
10:20am atduskgreg: That was 1 year ago
10:20am atduskgreg: http://www.quora.com/How-many-photos-are-uploaded-to-Facebook-each-day
10:20am atduskgreg: so it's probably more than double that now
10:23am sklise: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326801/000119312512034517/d287954ds1.htm via the list
10:23am sklise: 250million photos per day.
10:23am sklise: 2.7 billion likes/comments per day
10:23am atduskgreg: http://www.psfk.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/infographic_largest_photo_libraries-525x406.png?fedaf9
10:24am sklise: anthropologists will look back at this era as the time when people only posed next to solo cups of beer.
10:26am atduskgreg: also looking at a face with an expression makes you naturally match that expression
10:26am atduskgreg: because of mirror neurons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_neuron
10:28am Wilj: well i'm sure they have to have an uncanny ability for empathy as well.
10:30am atduskgreg: "Face Science": the phrenology of the 21st century?
10:33am sklise: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform
10:36am boxysean joined the chat room.
10:39am atduskgreg: you can also generate sound by treating a visual image as the output of the FFT spectrum analysis. Aphex Twin draws scary pictures in his: http://www.moillusions.com/2006/10/aphex-twins-devil-face-illusion.html
10:40am justinlange: idea: "with enough faith you can move mountains: create large visualization that actually move mountains around... if they occasionally look somewhat lik audio peaks, all the better
10:40am justinlange: (faith, here, is the jump into a participatory/interactive relationship with the installation, i guess)
10:46am kylemcd: https://www.youtube.com/user/daito?feature=watch
10:55am atduskgreg: there's an iPhone app, Everyday, that encourages people to take a picture of themselves everyday to make these kind of vids: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2011/03/everyday-a-photo-app-that-watches-you-get-old/
10:55am atduskgreg: maybe there's a public collection of those photos somewhere
10:59am sklise: shep youtbe keanu woah
10:59am atduskgreg: sklise: spell youtube right
10:59am sklise: shep yt keanu woah
10:59am itp_shep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT4B-NJUcZE&feature=youtube_gdata
10:59am sklise: heck
11:00am • sklise is user error
11:00am hafez left the chat room. (Quit: hafez)
11:00am sklise: shep mustache me kyle mcdonald
11:00am itp_shep: http://mustachify.me/1?src=http://www.empyrelounge.com/images/galleries/2007/082207_slightlystoopid/slightlystoopid7.jpg#.png
11:02am lia_ left the chat room. (Quit: lia_)
11:04am atduskgreg: that plus a pencil shader. take it to the streets somewhere touristy and be a magic caricature artist
11:10am justinlange: once we m sAN differentiate between real smile and fake smile, we can build it into snapshot cameras that don't click until everyone is ACTUALLY smilling
11:10am justinlange: :-)
11:12am atduskgreg: like the cameras that do blink avoidance
11:12am atduskgreg: that's already pretty common in point-and-shoots
11:17am Wilj left the chat room. (Quit: Wilj)
11:20am lia_ joined the chat room.
11:32am ali_ joined the chat room.
11:32am ali_ is now known as hafez.
11:43am lia_ left the chat room. (Quit: lia_)
11:47am sklise is now known as shep_.
11:47am shep_ is now known as sklise.
11:56am ivanabasic joined the chat room.
11:57am mepler left the chat room. (Quit: mepler)
11:58am Wilj joined the chat room.
12:01pm ivanabasic left the chat room. (Client Quit)
12:02pm ivanabasic joined the chat room.
12:03pm kylemcd: https://github.com/danomatika/FaceOSC-Templates/tree/master/openframeworks/FaceOSCReceiver
12:04pm sklise: can openFrameworks talk to a MySQL database?
12:04pm sklise: or any other API?
12:04pm ivanabasic left the chat room. (Client Quit)
12:05pm • sklise using irc instead of google.