The Database of Latin Sexual Discourses contains 2500 excerpts of Latin Literature where sexual content is discussed (e.g. reproduction, medical approach) or used (e.g. aggressive use of sexuality). All excerpts were annotated manually (see below for source) and contain a single analysis of a specific sense of a word or group of words. Each excerpt is identified through the original CTS URN of the excerpt as well as the version and source of the text. All excerpt are automatically annotated regarding linguistic features (lemma, POS, morphology).
It is originally based on the work of James Noel Adams, The Latin Sexual Vocabulary (it can actually be used as a companion app when reading the latest).
It was developed and used in the context of my PhD, "Détection d'isotopies par apprentissage profond : l'exemple de la sexualité en latin classique et tardif", Thibault Clerice [Link]. Description of the corpus is provided in chapter 1 (end of chapter 1).