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Step pre-release version #67

Step pre-release version

Step pre-release version #67

Workflow file for this run

name: Create release
# We create releases for all new tags that don't contain '/' in their names
- "*"
# The l3build job contains the actual work. This is mostly the same as in main.yaml
# and should stay synchronized. Sadly it doesn't seem possible to reuse the instructions at the moment.
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
name: Build release
environment: Release
# Boilerplate
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# We need Ghostscript for dvips and XeTeX tests.
- name: Install Ghostscript
run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ghostscript
- name: Install TeX Live
uses: zauguin/install-texlive@v3
# List the required TeX Live packages in a separate file to allow reuse in
# different workflows.
package_file: .github/tl_packages
# For tags starting with dev- or release- we do full builds of all components
- name: Run l3build
if: ${{ startsWith(github.ref_name, 'dev-') || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'release-') }}
run: l3build ctan -q -H --show-log-on-error
# Otherwise we assume that the part before the first -2 is the name of the `required` package we want to
# build. Therefore we switch to the right directors first. Afterwards we have to move the generated artifacts
# back to the main directory so that they are found in the next step.
- name: Run l3build
if: ${{ !(startsWith(github.ref_name, 'dev-') || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'release-')) }}
tagname: ${{github.ref_name}}
run: cd "required/${tagname%%-2*}" && l3build ctan -q -H --show-log-on-error && mv *.zip ../../
- name: Archive failed test output
if: ${{ always() }}
uses: zauguin/l3build-failure-artifacts@v1
name: testfiles
# Decide how long to keep the test output artifact:
retention-days: 3
# Now create the release (this only runs if the previous steps were successful)
- name: Create GitHub release
uses: ncipollo/release-action@2c591bcc8ecdcd2db72b97d6147f871fcd833ba5
id: release
artifacts: "*.zip"
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
prerelease: ${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/dev-') }}
# While the normal notification job only informs about failed runs, we additionally want to notify about successful releases.
- name: Send mail
# The explicit commit hash ensures that this can't be used by dawidd6 as a
# backdoor to execute arbitrary code during our runs.
uses: dawidd6/action-send-mail@2cea9617b09d79a095af21254fbcb7ae95903dde
# Currently using my (Marcel's) mail server for sending mails.
server_port: 587
# These values can be changed in the repository settings.
username: ${{secrets.MAIL_USERNAME}}
password: ${{secrets.MAIL_PASSWORD}}
# If we want to send notifications to additional addresses, at them here as
# a comma separated list.
to: [email protected]
# The name is arbitrary, but if you want to change the address you need to
# coordinate it with the administrator of the mail server to allow the account
# to send from the mail address.
from: LaTeX CI <[email protected]>
# Determine the subject and body of the mail.
subject: "Version ${{github.ref_name}} of ${{github.repository}} has been released"
body: |
The release ${{github.ref_name}} has been created for ${{github.repository}}.
More information can be found at
- name: Send failure notification
uses: dawidd6/action-send-mail@2cea9617b09d79a095af21254fbcb7ae95903dde
if: ${{ failure() }}
server_port: 587
username: ${{secrets.MAIL_USERNAME}}
password: ${{secrets.MAIL_PASSWORD}}
to: [email protected]
from: LaTeX CI <[email protected]>
priority: high
# Determine the subject and body of the mail.
subject: "Test failure while trying to build release ${{github.ref_name}} in ${{github.repository}}"
body: |
Test failure for ${{github.repository}}
On tag: ${{github.ref_name}} (${{github.sha}})
Initiated by: ${{}}
Commit URL:${{github.repository}}/commit/${{github.sha}}
More information:${{github.repository}}/actions/runs/${{github.run_id}}