Budget website where users can keep track of their income, budget a month in advance.
- JavaScript
- Express.js
- Handbars.js
- Sequelize
- Dotenv
- Espress-session
- AS A young profession who makes money
- I WANT a budget app
- SO THAT I can track how much i spend every month
- GIVEN a budget app
- WHEN I visit the site for the first time
- THEN I am presented with the homepage, which includes options to login or signup
- WHEN I click login
- THEN I presented with a form for email and password
- WHEN I click signup
- THEN I am prompted to provide first name, last name, email, and password
- WHEN I am signed into the site
- THEN I am presented with the budget page
- WHEN I click on saving
- THEN I presented with a form to input line items for savings and budget amount
- WHEN I click on Housing
- THEN I presented with a form to input line items for house and budget amount
- WHEN I click on Transportatin
- THEN I presented with a form to input line items for transportation and budget amount
- WHEN I click on Lifestyle
- THEN I presented with a form to input line items for lifestyle and budget amount
- WHEN I click on a desired month and year
- THEN I presented with that budget for that month and year
- https://vault-ucla.herokuapp.com/
- https://git.heroku.com/vault-ucla.git
- https://github.com/latoyadawson/vault
Made with ❤️ by Chelcie, Daniel, & Latoya