A gradle plugin for getting test coverage using OpenCover
# opencover plugin
A base plugin 'com.ullink.opencover' is provided. It will sets up a task named 'opencover' that when called will execute the OpenCover.exe file of the associated OpenCover version. That task may be configured:
opencover {
// optional - defaults to '4.5.1604'
// optional - defaults to OPENCOVER_HOME env variable if set or to a downloaded opencover home corresponding to
// the specified openCoverVersion
// mandatory - specifies the test runner executable path (ie 'nunit-console.exe')
// mandatory - specifies the test runner arguments (associated 'nunit-console.exe' parameters)
// optional - targetdir specified to OpenCover for the test runner executable
// mandatory - assemblies to obtain test coverage for
// optional - defaults to TRUE. OpenCover will return the return code of the test runner executable.
// optional - defaults to FALSE. Determines the behavior of the task if OpenCover's return code is abnormal
#opencover-nunit plugin
An NUnit ready plugin is also provided: 'com.ullink.opencover-nunit'. It relies on the gradle-nunit-plugin 'nunit' task to configure the 'opencover' task. Using it, provided the default values suit you, the only setup you'll need is
opencover {
targetAssemblies = ...
All these plugins are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 with no warranty (expressed or implied) for any purpose.