Unit 1 Solo Project for General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive
Mastermind is a game of logic where the user is trying to guess a secret code in a certain number of guesses. After every guess, the user is given hints for every correct guess made, and can use those hints to make more informed future guesses.
The game of Mastermind is based on an older game called Bulls and Cows that dates back to at least the 19th century.
The modern board game of Mastermind was invented in 1970 by Mordecai Meirowitz, an Israeli postmaster and telecommunications expert.
I hope you enjoy this online version of the classic game.
Background Image from https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=calm+wallpaper
Game Start
- Javascript
Click here to play: https://lcohen730.github.io/Mastermind_Game_GA_Unit_1_Project/ In case that link doesn't work: https://stately-gumdrop-33cd7c.netlify.app
Before or during gameplay, feel free to click on the "How to Play" section on the left side of the page for more detailed instructions.
- Add option to backspace your colors guessed to make sure every guess the user makes is exactly the color combination they want
- Create a more responsive design so the game can be played on all screen sizes
- Create an animation of some sort for the secret code reveal