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feat(combinatorics/simple_graph/degree_sum): degree-sum formula and h…
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…andshake lemma (#5263)

Adds the theorem that the sum of the degrees of the vertices of a simple graph is twice the number of edges.  Also adds corollaries like the handshake lemma, which is that the number of odd-degree vertices is even.

The corollary `exists_ne_odd_degree_if_exists_odd` is in anticipation of Sperner's lemma.

Co-authored-by: agusakov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kyle Miller <[email protected]>
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3 people committed Dec 11, 2020
1 parent 918d5a9 commit 2c0b43d
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/basic.lean
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instance edges_fintype [decidable_eq V] [fintype V] [decidable_rel G.adj] :
fintype G.edge_set := by { dunfold edge_set, exact subtype.fintype _ }

instance mem_edge_set_decidable [decidable_rel G.adj] (e : sym2 V) :
decidable (e ∈ G.edge_set) := by { dunfold edge_set, apply_instance }

instance mem_incidence_set_decidable [decidable_eq V] [decidable_rel G.adj] (v : V) (e : sym2 V) :
decidable (e ∈ G.incidence_set v) := by { dsimp [incidence_set], apply_instance }

The `edge_set` of the graph as a `finset`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +192,10 @@ Given an edge incident to a particular vertex, get the other vertex on the edge.
def other_vertex_of_incident {v : V} {e : sym2 V} (h : e ∈ G.incidence_set v) : V := h.2.other'

lemma edge_mem_other_incident_set {v : V} {e : sym2 V} (h : e ∈ G.incidence_set v) :
e ∈ G.incidence_set (G.other_vertex_of_incident h) :=
by { use h.1, simp [other_vertex_of_incident, sym2.mem_other_mem'] }

lemma incidence_other_prop {v : V} {e : sym2 V} (h : e ∈ G.incidence_set v) :
G.other_vertex_of_incident h ∈ G.neighbor_set v :=
by { cases h with he hv, rwa [←sym2.mem_other_spec' hv, mem_edge_set] at he }
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237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/degree_sum.lean
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Copyright (c) 2020 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Kyle Miller
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic
import algebra.big_operators.basic
import data.nat.parity
import data.zmod.parity
# Degree-sum formula and handshaking lemma
The degree-sum formula is that the sum of the degrees of the vertices in
a finite graph is equal to twice the number of edges. The handshaking lemma,
a corollary, is that the number of odd-degree vertices is even.
## Main definitions
- A `dart` is a directed edge, consisting of an ordered pair of adjacent vertices,
thought of as being a directed edge.
- `simple_graph.sum_degrees_eq_twice_card_edges` is the degree-sum formula.
- `simple_graph.even_card_odd_degree_vertices` is the handshaking lemma.
- `simple_graph.odd_card_odd_degree_vertices_ne` is that the number of odd-degree
vertices different from a given odd-degree vertex is odd.
- `simple_graph.exists_ne_odd_degree_of_exists_odd_degree` is that the existence of an
odd-degree vertex implies the existence of another one.
## Implementation notes
We give a combinatorial proof by using the facts that (1) the map from
darts to vertices is such that each fiber has cardinality the degree
of the corresponding vertex and that (2) the map from darts to edges is 2-to-1.
## Tags
simple graphs, sums, degree-sum formula, handshaking lemma
open finset

open_locale big_operators

namespace simple_graph
universes u
variables {V : Type u} (G : simple_graph V)

/-- A dart is a directed edge, consisting of an ordered pair of adjacent vertices. -/
@[ext, derive decidable_eq]
structure dart :=
(fst snd : V)
(is_adj : G.adj fst snd)

instance dart.fintype [fintype V] [decidable_rel G.adj] : fintype G.dart :=
fintype.of_equiv (Σ v, G.neighbor_set v)
{ to_fun := λ s, ⟨s.fst, s.snd,⟩,
inv_fun := λ d, ⟨d.fst, d.snd, d.is_adj⟩,
left_inv := λ s, by ext; simp,
right_inv := λ d, by ext; simp }

variables {G}

/-- The edge associated to the dart. -/
def dart.edge (d : G.dart) : sym2 V := ⟦(d.fst, d.snd)⟧

@[simp] lemma dart.edge_mem (d : G.dart) : d.edge ∈ G.edge_set :=

/-- The dart with reversed orientation from a given dart. -/
def dart.rev (d : G.dart) : G.dart :=
⟨d.snd, d.fst, G.sym d.is_adj⟩

@[simp] lemma dart.rev_edge (d : G.dart) : d.rev.edge = d.edge :=

@[simp] lemma dart.rev_rev (d : G.dart) : d.rev.rev = d :=
dart.ext _ _ rfl rfl

@[simp] lemma dart.rev_involutive : function.involutive (dart.rev : G.dart → G.dart) :=

lemma dart.rev_ne (d : G.dart) : d.rev ≠ d :=
cases d with f s h,
simp only [dart.rev, not_and, ne.def],
rintro rfl,
exact false.elim (G.loopless _ h),

lemma dart_edge_eq_iff (d₁ d₂ : G.dart) :
d₁.edge = d₂.edge ↔ d₁ = d₂ ∨ d₁ = d₂.rev :=
cases d₁ with s₁ t₁ h₁,
cases d₂ with s₂ t₂ h₂,
simp only [dart.edge, dart.rev_edge, dart.rev],
rw sym2.eq_iff,

variables (G)

/-- For a given vertex `v`, this is the bijective map from the neighbor set at `v`
to the darts `d` with `d.fst = v`. --/
def dart_of_neighbor_set (v : V) (w : G.neighbor_set v) : G.dart :=
⟨v, w,⟩

lemma dart_of_neighbor_set_injective (v : V) : function.injective (G.dart_of_neighbor_set v) :=
λ e₁ e₂ h, by { injection h with h₁ h₂, exact subtype.ext h₂ }

instance dart.inhabited [inhabited V] [inhabited (G.neighbor_set (default _))] :
inhabited G.dart := ⟨G.dart_of_neighbor_set (default _) (default _)⟩

section degree_sum
variables [fintype V] [decidable_rel G.adj]

lemma dart_fst_fiber [decidable_eq V] (v : V) :
univ.filter (λ d : G.dart, d.fst = v) = univ.image (G.dart_of_neighbor_set v) :=
ext d,
simp only [mem_image, true_and, mem_filter, set_coe.exists, mem_univ, exists_prop_of_true],
{ rintro rfl,
exact ⟨_, d.is_adj, dart.ext _ _ rfl rfl⟩, },
{ rintro ⟨e, he, rfl⟩,
refl, },

lemma dart_fst_fiber_card_eq_degree [decidable_eq V] (v : V) :
(univ.filter (λ d : G.dart, d.fst = v)).card = v :=
have hh := card_image_of_injective univ (G.dart_of_neighbor_set_injective v),
rw [finset.card_univ, card_neighbor_set_eq_degree] at hh,
rwa dart_fst_fiber,

lemma dart_card_eq_sum_degrees : fintype.card G.dart = ∑ v, v :=
haveI h : decidable_eq V := by { classical, apply_instance },
simp only [←card_univ, ←dart_fst_fiber_card_eq_degree],
exact card_eq_sum_card_fiberwise (by simp),

variables {G} [decidable_eq V]

lemma dart.edge_fiber (d : G.dart) :
(univ.filter (λ (d' : G.dart), d'.edge = d.edge)) = {d, d.rev} :=
finset.ext (λ d', by simpa using dart_edge_eq_iff d' d)

variables (G)

lemma dart_edge_fiber_card (e : sym2 V) (h : e ∈ G.edge_set) :
(univ.filter (λ (d : G.dart), d.edge = e)).card = 2 :=
refine quotient.ind (λ p h, _) e h,
cases p with v w,
let d : G.dart := ⟨v, w, h⟩,
convert congr_arg card d.edge_fiber,
rw [card_insert_of_not_mem, card_singleton],
rw [mem_singleton],
exact d.rev_ne.symm,

lemma dart_card_eq_twice_card_edges : fintype.card G.dart = 2 * G.edge_finset.card :=
rw ←card_univ,
rw @card_eq_sum_card_fiberwise _ _ _ dart.edge _ G.edge_finset
(λ d h, by { rw mem_edge_finset, apply dart.edge_mem }),
rw [←mul_comm, sum_const_nat],
intros e h,
apply G.dart_edge_fiber_card e,
rwa ←mem_edge_finset,

/-- The degree-sum formula. This is also known as the handshaking lemma, which might
more specifically refer to `simple_graph.even_card_odd_degree_vertices`. -/
theorem sum_degrees_eq_twice_card_edges : ∑ v, v = 2 * G.edge_finset.card :=
G.dart_card_eq_sum_degrees.symm.trans G.dart_card_eq_twice_card_edges

end degree_sum

/-- The handshaking lemma. See also `simple_graph.sum_degrees_eq_twice_card_edges`. -/
theorem even_card_odd_degree_vertices [fintype V] :
even (univ.filter (λ v, odd ( v))).card :=
have h := congr_arg ((λ n, ↑n) : ℕ → zmod 2) G.sum_degrees_eq_twice_card_edges,
simp only [zmod.cast_self, zero_mul, nat.cast_mul] at h,
rw [sum_nat_cast, ←sum_filter_ne_zero] at h,
rw @sum_congr _ (zmod 2) _ _ (λ v, ( v : zmod 2)) (λ v, (1 : zmod 2)) _ rfl at h,
{ simp only [filter_congr_decidable, mul_one, nsmul_eq_mul, sum_const, ne.def] at h,
rw ←zmod.eq_zero_iff_even,
convert h,
ext v,
rw ←zmod.ne_zero_iff_odd,
congr' },
{ intros v,
simp only [true_and, mem_filter, mem_univ, ne.def],
rw [zmod.eq_zero_iff_even, zmod.eq_one_iff_odd, nat.odd_iff_not_even, imp_self],
trivial }

lemma odd_card_odd_degree_vertices_ne [fintype V] [decidable_eq V]
(v : V) (h : odd ( v)) :
odd (univ.filter (λ w, w ≠ v ∧ odd ( w))).card :=
rcases G.even_card_odd_degree_vertices with ⟨k, hg⟩,
have hk : 0 < k,
{ have hh : (filter (λ (v : V), odd ( v)) univ).nonempty,
{ use v,
simp only [true_and, mem_filter, mem_univ],
use h, },
rwa [←card_pos, hg, zero_lt_mul_left] at hh,
exact zero_lt_two, },
have hc : (λ (w : V), w ≠ v ∧ odd ( w)) = (λ (w : V), odd ( w) ∧ w ≠ v),
{ ext w,
rw and_comm, },
simp only [hc, filter_congr_decidable],
rw [←filter_filter, filter_ne', card_erase_of_mem],
{ use k - 1,
rw [nat.pred_eq_succ_iff, hg, nat.mul_sub_left_distrib],
omega, },
{ simpa only [true_and, mem_filter, mem_univ] },

lemma exists_ne_odd_degree_of_exists_odd_degree [fintype V]
(v : V) (h : odd ( v)) :
∃ (w : V), w ≠ v ∧ odd ( w) :=
haveI : decidable_eq V := by { classical, apply_instance },
rcases G.odd_card_odd_degree_vertices_ne v h with ⟨k, hg⟩,
have hg' : (filter (λ (w : V), w ≠ v ∧ odd ( w)) univ).card > 0,
{ rw hg,
apply nat.succ_pos, },
rcases hg' with ⟨w, hw⟩,
simp only [true_and, mem_filter, mem_univ, ne.def] at hw,
exact ⟨w, hw⟩,

end simple_graph
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/data/sym2.lean
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Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,15 @@ begin
cases hx; subst x; cases hy; subst y; cases hx'; try { subst x' }; cases hy'; try { subst y' }; cc,

instance mem.decidable [decidable_eq α] (x : α) (z : sym2 α) : decidable (x ∈ z) :=
refine quotient.rec_on_subsingleton z (λ w, _),
cases w with y₁ y₂,
by_cases h₁ : x = y₁, subst x, exact is_true (mk_has_mem _ _),
by_cases h₂ : x = y₂, subst x, exact is_true (mk_has_mem_right _ _),
apply is_false, intro h, rw mem_iff at h, cases h, exact h₁ h, exact h₂ h,

end membership

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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/data/zmod/parity.lean
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Copyright (c) 2020 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Kyle Miller
import data.nat.parity
import data.zmod.basic
# Relating parity to natural numbers mod 2
This module provides lemmas relating `zmod 2` to `even` and `odd`.
## Tags
parity, zmod, even, odd

namespace zmod

lemma eq_zero_iff_even {n : ℕ} : (n : zmod 2) = 0 ↔ even n :=
(char_p.cast_eq_zero_iff (zmod 2) 2 n).trans even_iff_two_dvd.symm

lemma eq_one_iff_odd {n : ℕ} : (n : zmod 2) = 1 ↔ odd n :=
change (n : zmod 2) = ((1 : ℕ) : zmod 2) ↔ _,
rw [zmod.eq_iff_modeq_nat, nat.odd_iff],

lemma ne_zero_iff_odd {n : ℕ} : (n : zmod 2) ≠ 0 ↔ odd n :=
by split; { contrapose, simp [eq_zero_iff_even], }

end zmod

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