This is a suite of read-only Mocha / Chai / Selenium integration tests for VuFind.
- The intent is to run them against an existing instance (test or prod) to catch regressions.
- The individual tests are designed for records with specific content features, to make sure they render those features, to a basic degree.
- Some of those content-features are Lehigh-specific local customizations.
Configuring it requires
- Changing the specific record IDs queried to those that represent the relevant content features in your instance.
- Creating a
(based onconfig.js.example
) pointing to the relevant VuFind instance(s) to test.
I installed in Ubuntu:
- node 18.x
- Java JDK
- google chrome
- and via npm:
- mocha
- selenium-webdriver
- chromedriver
- chai
Running it requires
npm test
- Or using VS Code with the Mocha Test Explorer extension