Link to paper:
- CSGM : folder containing all implementations divided based on data used (DP-DSLR/PHONE, Stereo).
- demo_DP: folder with different demo files for DP data: DSLR + Google phone
- demo_Stereo: folder with demo for traditional stereo - comparison between C-SGM and SGM. Filter is the same for both SGM and C-SGM (names are changed).
- DP_data_example: example data of DP-DSLR/PHONE
- Stereo_data_example: example data of Stereo middlebury at Quarter resultion.
- evaluate_funcs: functions used for evaluation
- openCvMatlab : this is complied for windows, might need to mex-install in different eviorment
- demo_csgm_DSLR_quantitive - test on DSLR data set (1 in data)
- test on phone data (2 in data).
- test on middlebury data (3 in data).
- Adapted SGM on middlebury data (3 in data).
- Add all files to path.
- Run one of the above demos.
- OpenCV for Matlab might need to be installed to load images.
DP-data: There is an example for one image from ICCP-2020 paper (DSLR): DP_data_example\ICCP2020\GT_data. Rest of data can be found in:
Google-phone data: There is one example from google data from ICCV 2019 paper: DP_data_example\google2019\test Rest of data can be found in:
Stereo middlebury:
DLP: Learning Single Camera Depth Estimation using Dual-Pixels. Implementation not available, predictions on google data set found in:
SDoF: Synthetic Depth-of-Field with a Single-Camera Mobile Phone Implementation not available.
DPE: Dual Pixel Exploration: Simultaneous Depth Estimation and Image Restoration Implementation in:
DPdisp: Modeling Defocus-Disparity in Dual-Pixel Sensors Implementation found in:
SGM: SGM implementation, customed to use BT score instead of SAD. Implementation adapted from: