Ansible Role for various configuration operation (like manage, update firmware, config policy, os deploy) on managed elements from Lenovo xClarity Administratr.
Ansible version 2.4.2 or later (Ansible installation documentation)
Python Client for Lenovo xClarity Administratr.(LXCA Python Client v2.5.0)
pip install pylxca
Available variables are listed below, along with description:
Variable | Description |
lxca_user | lxca user to connect to lxca |
lxca_password | password of user |
lxca_url | lxca url to connect |
Available variables are listed below, along with description:
Variable | Description |
uuid | UUID of a managed element |
id | ID of a resource |
endpoint_ip | IP address of Endpoint |
user | user name |
password | password |
recovery_password | recovery password for resource |
storedcredential_id | id of stored credential |
jobid | job id of background job |
mode | operation mode for config action |
lxca_action | operation for config |
server | compute node details |
switch | switch details |
storage | storage details |
cmm | cmm details |
force | force flag for config action |
policy_info | policy detail |
policy_name | policy name |
policy_type | policy type |
repo_key | repository key |
machine_type | machine type |
scope | operation scope |
fixids | firmware image id |
file_type | type of file in config action |
endpoint | target managed endpoint for config action |
restart | config action |
config_pattern_name | name of config patteren |
config_profile_name | name of config profile |
powerdown | power operation |
resetimm | action reset imm |
pattern_update_dict | dictionary of category pattern information |
pattern_from_file | file path for pattern data |
includeSettings | flag for reading config data |
osimages_info | information about os images |
osimages_dict | dictionary of information about os images |
files | files location |
update_key | key for firmware update |
status | status of managed element |
uuid_list | list of UUID |
subcmd | subcmd for config commands |
Supported tags are listed below, along with description:
tags | Description |
get_configpatterns | return all server patterns |
get_particular_configpattern | get config pattern by name or id |
import_configpatterns | import config pattern to lxca |
apply_configpatterns | apply config pattern to device |
get_configstatus | get config status of device by uuid |
configprofiles | config profiles operations |
configtargets | get config targets details |
manage | perform manage operation on discovered device |
manage_status | check completion status of manage operation |
unmanage | perform unmanage operation |
unmanage_status | check completetion status of unmanage operation |
osimages | Perform osimage and os deployment opertion |
updaterepo | update repository operation |
update_firmware | update firmware for specific device with specified mt and fixids |
update_firmware_all | update firmware for device with list of uuid with assigned policy |
update_firmware_query_status | check status of firmware update |
update_firmware_query_comp | list updateable components |
get_managementserver_pkg | get packages detail management server |
update_managementserver_pkg | update management server packages |
import_managementserver_pkg | import management server from local system |
updatepolicy | update compliance policy operations |
get_storedcredentials | get stored credentials |
create_storedcredentials | create new stored credentials |
update_storedcredentials | update existing stored credentials |
delete_storedcredentials | delete stored credentails |
Connectivity with Lenovo xClarity Administrator.
To execute an Ansible playbook, you need to choose one of tag specified above, also supply variable used by tag use the following command: ####manage manage uses following additional variable user, password or storedcredential_id
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd
lxca_url= endpoint_ip= user=USERID
password=CME44ibm recovery_password=CME55ibm force=True" test.yml -vvvv --tag
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd
lxca_url= endpoint_ip= storedcredential_id=21 force=True" test.yml -vvvv --tag
####unmanage unmanage uses following additional variable endpoint_ip which is ip_address,uuid,device_type device_type can have following value Chassis ThinkServer Storage Rackswitch Rack-Tower"
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd
endpoint_ip=;46920C143355486F97C19A34ABC7D746;Chassis force=True"
test.yml -v --tag unmanage
Following additional variable are used with these tag
policy_info: description:
- used with command updatepolicy following values are possible
- "FIRMWARE - Get List of Applicable Frimware policies"
- "RESULTS - List the persisted compare result for servers to which a policy is assigned"
- "COMPARE_RESULTS -Check compliant with the assigned compliance policy using the job or task ID that was returned when the compliance policy was assigned."
- "NAMELIST - Returns the available compliance policies"
policy_name: description: used with command updatepolicy, name of policy to be applied
policy_type: description:
- used with command updatepolicy, policy applied to value specified it can have following value
- CMM - Chassis Management Module
- IOSwitch - Flex switch
- RACKSWITCH - RackSwitch switch
- STORAGE - Lenovo Storage system
- SERVER - Compute node or rack server
uuid_list: description:
- used with command update_all_firmware_withpolicy. Apply firmware to uuid in list
- if uuid_list is empty firmware is updated for all updateable components with policy.
- "example ['38D9D7DBCB713C12A210E60C74A0E931','00000000000010008000542AA2D3CB00']"
mode: description:
- "used with command update_firmware, update_all_firmware_withpolicy Indicates when to activate the update. This can be one of the following values."
- "immediate - Uses Immediate Activaton mode when applying firmware updates to the selected endpoints."
- "delayed - Uses Delayed Activaton mode when applying firmware updates to the selected endpoints."
List all policy
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= subcmd=list" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updatepolicy
Get List of Applicable Frimware policies
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query policy_info=FIRMWARE" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updatepolicy
List the persisted compare result for servers to which a policy is assigned
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query update_policy_info=RESULTS" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updatepolicy
Check compliant with the assigned compliance policy using the job or task ID that was returned when the compliance policy was assigned.
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=status uuid=EF362CF0FB4511E397AB40F2E9AF01D0 jobid=2" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updatepolicy
Assign policy to Endpoint
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=assign policy_name=x220_imm2 policy_type=SERVER uuid=7C5E041E3CCA11E18B715CF3FC112D8A" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updatepolicy
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=status jobid=16" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updatepolicy
Update endpoint Firmware
Query Updatable components
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url=" playbooks/config/config.yml -v --tag query_update_comp
Query Firmware Update Status
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url=" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag query_update_status
Applying Firmware with policy
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= mode=immediate lxca_action=apply server='7C5E041E3CCA11E18B715CF3FC112D8A,IMM2 (Primary)'" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_firmware
Applying Firmware with policy for specified updateable components
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= mode=immediate lxca_action=apply uuid_list=['38D9D7DBCB713C12A210E60C74A0E931','00000000000010008000542AA2D3CB00']" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_all_firmware_withpolicy
Applying Firmware with policy for all updateable components
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= mode=immediate lxca_action=apply uuid_list=[]" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_all_firmware_withpolicy
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= mode=immediate lxca_action=apply" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_all_firmware_withpolicy
Following additional variables are used for this tag
endpoint: description:
- used with command configprofiles, apply_configpatterns and get_configstatus,
- its uuid of deivce for node, rack, tower
- endpointdid for flex
restart: description:
- used with command configprofiles and apply_configpatterns
- when to activate the configurations. This can be one of the following values
- defer - Activate IMM settings but do not restart the server.
- immediate - Activate all settings and restart the server immediately
- pending - Manually activate the server profile and restart the server. this can be used with apply_configpatterns only. choices:
- defer
- immediate
- pending
type: description:
- used with apply_configpatterns valid values are choices:
- node
- rack
- tower
- flex
powerdown: description: used with command configprofiles to power down server
resetimm: description: used with command configprofiles to reset imm
pattern_update_dict: description: used with command import_configpatterns to import pattern specified in this variable as dict.
includeSettings: description: used with command get_configpatterns to get detailed settings of configpattern set this to 'True'
Get All config patterns
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url=" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_configpatterns
Get specified config pattern with id
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= id=52" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_particular_configpattern
Get specified config pattern for id with includeSettings
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= id=52 includeSettings=True" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_particular_configpattern
Apply pattern to endpoint
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= id=65 endpoint=B918EDCA1B5F11E2803EBECB82710ADE restart=pending type=node" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag apply_configpatterns
using name
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= config_pattern_name=From_abcdef endpoint=B918EDCA1B5F11E2803EBECB82710ADE restart=pending type=node" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag apply_configpatterns
Import SystemInfo pattern
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= pattern_update_dict={'template_type':'SystemInfo','template':{'contact':'contact','description':'Pattern created by test API ','location':'location','name':'Learned-System_Info-99','systemName':{'autogen':'Disable','hyphenChecked':False},'type':'SystemInfo','uri':'\/config\/template\/61','userDefined':True}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag import_configpatterns
Import Pattern from file
Read config pattern data from config_pattern_import.yml file in vars folder of config
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= pattern_file=config_pattern_import.yml pattern_from_file=true" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag import_configpatterns
config status
get config status
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= endpoint=B918EDCA1B5F11E2803EBECB82710ADE" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_configstatus
get all profiles
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=USERID lxca_password=Passw0rd lxca_url= subcmd=list" playbooks/config/config.yml -v --tag configprofiles
get specified profile with id
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=list id=69 " playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag configprofiles
Change profile name of id
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=rename id=69 config_profile_name='changed name 3' " playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag configprofiles
Activate profile for endpoint
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=activate id=69 endpoint=B918EDCA1B5F11E2803EBECB82710ADE restart=immediate " playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag configprofiles
Unassign profile
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=unassign id=69" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag configprofiles
Delete profile
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= id=69 subcmd=delete" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag configprofiles
#####Update Repostory commands Following additional variables are used for this tag
machine_type: description:
- used with command updaterepo
- its string with value like '7903'
fixids: description:
- used with command updaterepo , get_particular_managementserver_pkg and update_managementserver_pkg
- its string with value like 'lnvgy_sw_lxca-fw-repository-pack_1-1.0.1_anyos_noarch'
scope: description:
- used with command updaterepo, following are possible values
- all - When lxca_action=refresh is specified, this parameter returns information about all versions of all firmware updates that are available for all supported devices.
- latest - When lxca_action=refresh is specified, this parameter returns information about the most current version of all firmware updates for all supported devices.
- payloads - When lxca_action=acquire is specified, this parameter returns information about specific firmware updates.
file_type: description:
- used with command updaterepo, When lxca_action=delete or lxca_action=export is specified, this parameter is used. You can specify one of the following values
- all - Deletes selected update-package files (payload, change history, readme, and metadata files)
- payloads - Deletes only the selected payload image files
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=importDir" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=lastRefreshed" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=publicKeys" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=size" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=supportedMts" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=updates" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=updatesByMt" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=query repo_key=updatesByMtByComp" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=read lxca_action=read" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=refresh lxca_action=refresh machine_type=7903" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=delete lxca_action=delete machine_type=7903 file_type=payloads fixids=ibm_fw_imm2_1aoo78j-6.20_anyos_noarch" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
ansible-playbook -e "lxca_user=TEST lxca_password=CME44ibm lxca_url= subcmd=acquire lxca_action=acquire machine_type=7903 scope=payloads fixids=ibm_fw_imm2_1aoo78j-6.20_anyos_noarch" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag updaterepo
Following additional variables are used for this tag
fixids: description:
- used with command updaterepo , get_particular_managementserver_pkg and update_managementserver_pkg
- its string with value like 'lnvgy_sw_lxca-fw-repository-pack_1-1.0.1_anyos_noarch'
update_key: description:
- Used with managementserver commands following are valid options Returns the specified type of update. This can be one of the following values.
- all - Returns all information. This is the default value.
- currentVersion - Returns the current version of Lenovo XClarity Administrator.
- history Returns the history of management-server updates.
- importDir Returns the directory for the management-server updates repository.
- size - Returns the repository size (in bytes).
- updates - Returns information about all updates packages.
- updatedDate - Returns the date when the last update was performed.
files: description:
- Used with managementserver commands to import files to LXCA file can be specified as comma separated string
- example
- '/home/naval/updates/updates/lnvgy_sw_lxca_thinksystemrepo1-1.3.2_anyos_noarch.txt, /home/naval/updates/updates/lnvgy_sw_lxca_thinksystemrepo1-1.3.2_anyos_noarch.chg, /home/naval/updates/updates/lnvgy_sw_lxca_thinksystemrepo1-1.3.2_anyos_noarch.xml'
get managementserver with different key options
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'query', 'update_key':'importDir'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_managementserver_pkg
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'query', 'update_key':'size'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_managementserver_pkg
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'query', 'update_key':'updates'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_managementserver_pkg
get particular details with fixids
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'query_fixids', 'update_key':'filetypes', 'fixids':'lnvgy_sw_lxca-fw-repository-pack_1-1.0.1_anyos_noarch'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_particular_managementserver_pkg
nsible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'query_fixids', 'fixids':'lnvgy_sw_lxca-fw-repository-pack_1-1.0.1_anyos_noarch','type':'readme'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag get_particular_managementserver_pkg
Update options for managementserver
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'refresh'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_managementserver_pkg
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'fixids':'lnvgy_sw_lxca-fw-repository-pack_1-1.0.1_anyos_noarch','subcmd':'acquire'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_managementserver_pkg
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'fixids':'lnvgy_sw_lxca-fw-repository-pack_1-1.0.1_anyos_noarch','subcmd':'apply'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_managementserver_pkg
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'fixids':'lnvgy_sw_lxca-fw-repository-pack_1-1.0.1_anyos_noarch','subcmd':'delete'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag update_managementserver_pkg
Import local files to managementserver
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'import', 'files':'/home/naval/updates/updates/lnvgy_sw_lxca_thinksystemrepo1-1.3.2_anyos_noarch.txt,/home/naval/updates/updates/lnvgy_sw_lxca_thinksystemrepo1-1.3.2_anyos_noarch.chg,/home/naval/updates/updates/lnvgy_sw_lxca_thinksystemrepo1-1.3.2_anyos_noarch.xml'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag import_managementserver_pkg
files specified with relative to playbook file
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'import', 'files':'../../files/updates/lnvgy_sw_lxca_thinksystemrepo1-1.3.2_anyos_noarch.xml'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag import_managementserver_pkg
Following additional variables are used for this tag
subcmd: description:
- Used with osimage it can have following values
- list - list all or specified osimages details
- delete - delete specified osimages details
- globalsettings - Setting global values used in os deployment
- hostsettings - Setting particular host values used in os deployment
- hostPlatforms - Used for deploying os images
- remoteFileServers - Used for remote ftp, http server operations
imagetype: description: Used with osimage import type of files. choices:
- OS
osimages_dict: type: dict description: Used with osimage it is used for setting osimage and os deployment parameters.
get all osimages
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'list'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -v --tag osimages
delete osimages with id
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'delete','id':''}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
get globalSetting for osimages
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'globalsettings'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
set globalSetting for osimages
for setting globalSetting get detail from get golbalSetting and change the
parameter you want to change. This example set LINUX default password.
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'CME44ibm', 'lxca_url':'', 'subcmd':'globalsettings', 'osimages_dict':{'activeDirectory':{'allDomains': [],'defaultDomain':None}, 'credentials':[{'name': 'root', 'password':'Test1234', 'passwordChanged':True, 'type': 'LINUX'}, {'type': "WINDOWS", 'name': 'Administrator', password: None, 'passwordChanged': False}],'ipAssignment':'dhcpv4', 'isVLANMode': 'false', 'licenseKeys': {'win2012r1': {'dataCenterLicenseKey': '','standardLicenseKey': '',},'win2012r2':{'dataCenterLicenseKey': '', 'standardLicenseKey': ''}, 'win2016r1': {'dataCenterLicenseKey': '', 'standardLicenseKey': ''}, 'win2019r1': {'dataCenterLicenseKey': '','standardLicenseKey': ''}}}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
get hostSetting for osimages
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'hostsettings'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
create hostSetting for osimages
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'hostsettings', 'osimages_dict':{\"action\": \"create\", \"hosts\": [{\"storageSettings\": {\"targetDevice\": \"localdisk\"}, \"uuid\": \"A1445C6FDBAA11E6A87F86E06E3AFFFF\", \"networkSettings\": {\"dns2\": \"\", \"dns1\": \"\", \"hostname\": \"nodeundefined\", \"vlanId\": 0, \"selectedMAC\": \"AUTO\", \"gateway\": \"\", \"subnetMask\": \"\", \"mtu\": 1500, \"prefixLength\": 64, \"ipAddress\": \"\"}}, {\"storageSettings\": {\"targetDevice\": \"localdisk\"}, \"uuid\": \"A122FB03FF4011E68D9BA32E3A66DDDD\", \"networkSettings\": {\"dns2\": \"\", \"dns1\": \"\", \"hostname\": \"proton1\", \"vlanId\": 0, \"selectedMAC\": \"AUTO\", \"gateway\": \"\", \"subnetMask\": \"\", \"mtu\": 1500, \"prefixLength\": 64, \"ipAddress\": \"\"}}]}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
update hostSetting for osimages
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'hostsettings', 'osimages_dict':{'action': 'update', 'hosts': [{'storageSettings': {'targetDevice': 'localdisk'}, 'uuid': 'A1445C6FDBAA11E6A87F86E06E3AFFFF', 'networkSettings': {'dns2': '', 'dns1': '', 'hostname': 'nodeundefined', 'vlanId': 0, 'selectedMAC': 'AUTO', 'gateway': '', 'subnetMask': '', 'mt': 1500, 'prefixLength': 64, 'ipAddress': ''}}, {'storageSettings': {'targetDevice': 'localdisk'}, 'uuid': 'A122FB03FF4011E68D9BA32E3A66DDDD', 'networkSettings': {'dns2': '', 'dns1': '', 'hostname': 'proton1', 'vlanId': 0, 'selectedMAC': 'AUTO', 'gateway': '', 'subnetMask': '', 'mt': 1500, 'prefixLength': 64, 'ipAddress': ''}}]}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
delete hostSetting for osimages
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'hostsettings', 'osimages_dict':{'action': 'delete', 'uuid': 'A1445C6FDBAA11E6A87F86E06E3AFFFF'}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
import osimage file from remote server
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'osimages_imagetype_dict':{'imageType':'OS'}, 'import_dict':{'imageType':'OS','os':'rhels','imageName':'fixed','path':'iso/rhel73.iso','serverId':'1'}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag import_osimages
import osimage script file from local
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'', 'osimages_imagetype_dict':{'imageType':'SCRIPT'}, 'import_dict':{'imageType':'SCRIPT', "imageName":"", "os":"rhels", "description":"test_python_file", "file": "/home/naval/" }}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag import_osimages
get hostplatforms detail for osimages
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'hostplatforms'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
deploy osimage to node
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'hostplatforms','osimages_dict':{'networkSettings':{'dns1': '','dns2':'','gateway':'','ipAddress':'','mtu':1500,'prefixLength':64,'selectedMac':'AUTO','subnetMask':'','vlanId':521},'selectedImage':'rhels7.3|rhels7.3-x86_64-install-Minimal','storageSettings':{'targetDevice':'localdisk'},'uuid':'B918EDCA1B5F11E2803EBECB82710ADE'}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
get all remoteFileServers
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'remotefileservers'}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
Get Specific remoteFileServers
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'remotefileservers', 'osimages_dict':{'id':'1'}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
Delete Specific Remote File Server
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'remotefileservers', 'osimages_dict':{'deleteid':'2'}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
Add Remote File Server
ansible-playbook -e "{'lxca_user':'USERID', 'lxca_password':'Passw0rd', 'lxca_url':'','subcmd':'remotefileservers', 'osimages_dict':{'displayName':'TEST99','address': '','keyPassphrase': 'Passw0rd','keyType': 'RSA-2048','port': 8080,'protocol': 'HTTPS'}}" playbooks/config/config.yml -vvvv --tag osimages
-vvv is an optional verbose command that helps identify what is happening during playbook execution.
- name: get configtargets data from LXCA
login_user: "{{ lxca_user }}"
login_password: "{{ lxca_password }}"
auth_url: "{{ lxca_url }}"
id: "{{ id }}"
command_options: configtargets
register: rslt