This is an Android app that is implemented in Java. It consumes A RESTful API web framework provided by Github.
To set up this project on your local machine:
- Download and install Android Studio
- Clone this repo and open in above IDE
- Build with Gradle
- Run app in emulator device or actual connected device i.e. a physical Android phone or tablet
The following UI designs were achieved using Marvelapp. It was the preferred choice for mockups due to the availability of a variety assets in its library and ease of use. Mockups were based off of wireframe concepts thanks to Balsamiq.
To run static analyses:
- $ ./gradlew checkstyle
- $ ./gradlew findbugs
- $ ./gradlew pmd
- $ ./gradlew lint
- $ ./gradlew check - To run all the above
To run unit and instrumented tests, connect an emulator and do:
- $ ./gradlew test
- $ ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
This app is protected by MIT licence
Contribute by forking me, branching out and changing stuff, then create a pull request.