A Package for Comparative Phylogeography
This page serves as a repository for the GLQ R package and the dataset used in the study:
Dapporto et al. (2024) The genetic legacy of the Quaternary ice ages for West Palearctic butterflies. Science Advances, 10(38), eadm8596. Read the full article here. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.adm8596
Data and Workspace for Replication To enable replication of the analyses presented in the paper, the complete dataset and accompanying files can be downloaded here: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dMBYBThpo-i5j6Qua6r0eF_JnjpktCEQ/view?usp=sharing)
A workspace containing all analyses (excluding FEEMS runs) is also included. Please note the following considerations:
- The workspace was re-run and saved in November 2024 after updates to several R packages and the replacement of some functions from packages no longer available on the CRAN repository (e.g., rgdal).
- Some analyses involve random selection of specimens and random ordination of datasets. As a result, minor differences compared to the results published in the original paper may be observed.
To install GLQ you also need to install recluster and iodatabase. Use: