A quick description of sso-azure-ad-basic.
This is a basic plugin using Azure Active Directory identity for Single Sign On (SSO). The configurations are controlled by environment variables inside .env file.
Normally you get the token to authenticate and authorize your app to access Azure services. Can I use it to authorize Strapi services? Yes by using azure token to authenticate a user in Strapi. The idea is to map Azure AD roles with the Strapi roles. If the role match then the user will be authenticated and it will return Strapi generated JWT token as if the user logs in. This works even if the user is not yet created. If authenticated and the role match the user will be created automatically. If the user already exist, the user information will be updated. This way you can use it to authorize Azure services at the same time authorize your own Strapi services by either using the Strapi token or the azure token.
To authenticate, use the returned token as parameter. After authenticated, it will still use the Strapi jwt token since you are just accessing its internal APIs.
This will work both for admin and API users.
For API users, in the client pass the azureToken (token returned after logging in from Azure) to /verifyTokenAPIUser endpoint.
Strapi v3.6.x and above
npm install strapi-plugin-sso-azure-ad-basic --save
yarn add strapi-plugin-sso-azure-ad-basic
Inside plugin strapi-files copy admin to admin/ project root directory and copy hooks.js to Strapi config. Also copy the hooks folder to the Strapi root directory. If the folders already exist, only copy the files or code that are missing.
Create .env if not yet available on the project root directory
Add the following variables:
AZURE_AD_ROLE_MAPPING=[{"azureRole":"Application Administrator","strapiRole":"Super Admin"},{"azureRole":"Application Developer","strapiRole":"Technologist"}] AZURE_AD_ROLE_MAPPING_API_USERS=[{"azureRole":"Application Administrator","strapiRole":"Authenticated"}] AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID=57e34ea2-2dae-4445-b7dc-5320cdfc969c AZURE_AD_REDIRECT_URL=http://localhost:8000/admin/auth/login
Note that AZURE_AD_ROLE_MAPPING and AZURE_AD_ROLE_MAPPING_API_USERS is a string representation of an array of objects
This will make sure that the verifytoken and verifytokenapiuser api is public
npm run build && npm run develop
yarn build && yarn develop