Encapsulate and scope your TailwindCSS styles to your library and prevent them affecting styles outside.
Love using TailwindCSS? Other people also love using TailwindCSS? Trying to mix them together? Usually this leads to problems as the tailwind classes such as flex
, bg-red-500
will clash and change specificity.
Potential solutions:
A solution would be to prefix your
styles in your libraries, for examplemy-lib-flex
, but this simply isn't good enough. The solution breaks down when there are multiple libraries usingTailwindCSS
. You would need aprefix-
for each library. Unnecessary mental load. -
Another solution would be to make the parent app important. But this is an anti-pattern, and is a leaky abstraction. It is not feasible to tell all the consumers of your library to do this as a pre-requisite.
npm i vite-plugin-tailwind-scope -D
This plugin use tailwindcss and postcss process className to utilities style,then auto generate a .module.css file as css module.
Add the scope
plugin into the plugins
list in your vite.config.ts
import { scope } from "vite-plugin-tailwind-scope";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
Add the css
function in your Component file, for example Button.tsx
import { css } from "vite-plugin-tailwind-scope/css";
import styles from "./Button.module.css";
const Button = () => {
return <button className={css(styles)`text-white bg-red-500`}>click</button>;
Inspect element from browser, you will see text-white
will transform to _text-white_14u4s_26
and bg-red-500
will also transform to _bg-red-500_14u4s_14
, that is the css module works.
dest: string; // generate module.css to where, default is relative to Component file
Base on Vite
plugin's hook handleHotUpdate
Everytime file changes, trigger handleHotUpdate,
get the file contents from this hook function.
As we know, tailwindcss is a postcss plugin. use postcss with tailwindcss, generate css code, then write to *.module.css file.
content: [
raw: content,
extension: "jsx",
.process("@tailwind utilities;")
.then(({ css }) => {
const { filePath, content } = generateCssModule(file, css, options);
On the component file side.
import the generated .module.css file.
use the css
function from this plugin.
Inside this function, will use css module className as result.
So we can using tailwindcss utility name benefiting from tailwindcss and also scope styles with css module while writing a react component.