This repository stores Capuchin, a Neural Network model generator for implementing pre-trained models on TI MSP430FR5994 microcontrollers.
This project is made into two parts: a Python interface
and the microcontroller C implementation capuchin-MCU
. The Python interface is built with a function that takes tensorflow.keras.Model
objects as the argument to extract uDNN model configuration and generates a compiled header file neural_network_parameters.h
that can be used to compile along with the microcontroller C implementation. The microcontroller C implementation extracts the model configuration array in the header file neural_network_parameters.h
, builds a uDNN model on MSP430FR5994 by calling a sequence of uDNN layer implemetations, and feeds the sample dataset input into the uDNN model to compute the inference output.
Disclaim: the following dependencies are only author's recommended setup. This project was tested under the following dependencies and verified as correct. This project may work under other versions of dependencies but the correctness may not be guaranteed.
- tensorflow=2.8.*
- keras=2.8.*
- fxpmath=0.4.8
- numpy=1.25.2
- TI Code Composer Studio (recommended to debug, since this project only simulates input and output rather than connecting to actual sensors)
git clone
git clone (obsolete repo & account)
into the same directory of your Python uDNN implementation program.cp Capuchin/ {UDNN_PYTHON_IMPL_DIR}
Import encoder package into your Python uDNN implementation program.
import encoder
in your program where the argumentMODEL_OBJECT
should be a trainedtensorflow.keras.Model
object. -
Now a header file named
should be written in the same directory.
Copy the header file
into directoryCapuchin/capuchin-MCU
.cp {UDNN_PYTHON_IMPL_DIR}/neural_network_parameters.h {CAPUCHIN_PROJECT_DIR}/Capuchin/capuchin-MCU
as a TI CCS project. -
Copy desired input into
array in/neural_network_parameters.h
. -
Compile and Run the inference on MSP430.
For the reason that tensorflow is a complex framework for deep learning, the functionality of automation implementation on MSP430 is not comprehensive. Only frequent-used layers and functions in DNNs and CNNs are now supported. The following implementations are supported and verified as correct:
- Sequential
- Dense (activation)
- Conv2d (filters, channels, activation, strides, padding=
'valid' | 'same'
) - Maxpooling2d (pool_size)
- Flatten
- Dropout
- LeakyReLU
- linear
- ReLU
- LeakyReLU
- tanh
- sigmoid
Due to the hardware constraints of MSP430, the C implementation should meet the following known requirements:
(FRAM persistent memory constraint)LEA_RAM_SIZE <= 1.8K
(LEA SRAM volatile memory constraint)LENGTH_OF_ANY_LAYER_OUTPUT <= 16384
(FRAM persistent memory constraint)
(To be updated)
Le (Leonard) Zhang - Email: le-zhang at
Project Link:
This project is built on the top of budget-RNN.
T. Kannan and H. Hoffmann, "Budget RNNs: Multi-Capacity Neural Networks to Improve In-Sensor Inference Under Energy Budgets," 2021 IEEE 27th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2021, pp. 143-156, doi: 10.1109/RTAS52030.2021.00020.
title={Demo Abstract: Capuchin: A Neural Network Model Generator for 16-bit Microcontrollers},
author={Zhang, Le and Luo, Yubo and Nirjon, Shahriar},
booktitle={2022 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)},