Flask-MultiAuth allows the developer to simply decorate a flask view that is in need of authentication, to get both Kerberos and LDAP authentication. Kerberos authentication will be attempted first, if unsuccessful it will check for the presence of a Basic Aauth header in the request and if present it will then proceed to try to authenticate using ldap
$ pip install --upgrade git+git://github.com/lhuett/flask-multiauth.git
You will need to configure you flask app (app.config) with the following parameters for ldap Support.
- VALID_LDAP_GROUPS = '(cn=common_name_for_group)' (Set to () if no group checking to be done)
- Example: VALID_LDAP_GROUPS = '(cn=my_ldap_group)'
- LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = 'ou=orginizationUnitName,dc=domainComponent,dc=domainComponent'
- Example: LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = 'ou=groups,dc=somedomain,dc=com'
- LDAP_BIND_BASE = 'ou=organizationalUnit,dc=domainComponent,dc=domainComponent'
- Example: LDAP_BIND_BASE = 'ou=Users,dc=somedomain,dc=com'
- LDAP_HOST = 'ldap:ldap_server_name'
- Example: 'ldap://my.ldap.server.com'
- LDAP_CERT_PATH = '<fully_qualified_cert_file_name>'
- Example: LDAP_CERT_PATH = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/my-ca-cert-file.crt'
- You must have a KRB5 keytab file for your service priciple on the server that you app will be running on.
- In order to use Basic Auth to authenticate with ldap you must be able to access the ldap service. You must also have acess to the ldap server information required to populate the configuration previously explained in this document.
- KRB5_KTNAME - This should be set to the fully qualified name of you service principles keytab file
A very simple example is available in this github project's example directory
import socket
def _unauthorized():
error = "Unauthorized - Please make sure to run the 'kinit' command or enter user id and password and that you are in " \
"the proper ldap group"
return Response("User not Authorized", 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Negotiate'})
def _forbidden():
error = "Forbidden - Invalid Kerberos credentials."
return Response(error, 403)
@authenticate(unauthorized=_unauthorized, forbidden=_forbidden) def somefunc(user)
if user:
do something
print('User not authenticated')